Quale client IRC rimane online quando è in background?


Ho provato alcuni client IRC iOS, ma quando inserisco l'app in background, sono disconnesso.

Ci sono client IRC iOS che rimangono online quando sono in background?

posta rubo77 28.10.2014 - 23:44

1 risposta


Un'app chiamata Colloquy può essere eseguita in background per un massimo di 10 minuti su iOS 5. Nessuna app IRC può essere eseguita per più di 10 minuti in background su iOS 5 a causa di come è progettato iOS. Il sito web di Colloquy ha una FAQ che spiega:

Can I run Mobile Colloquy in the background?

Yes, starting with Mobile Colloquy 1.3 & iOS 4.0 if you have an iPhone 4, 3GS, or a third-generation iPod touch (32GB and 64GB models from late 2009) you can, though it's important to understand how it works.

Due to the way multitasking is implemented in iOS, Mobile Colloquy can't stay connected constantly. When you press the Home button or switch applications, Mobile Colloquy asks iOS to allow it to continue to run to complete a task in the background, that task being to keep you connected for as long as possible. Any highlight word mentions, or private messages you receive will trigger a notification while Colloquy is running in the background.

Tasks can only last a maximum of 10 minutes, so 9 minutes after you've switched away from Colloquy it'll warn you that you'll be disconnected in a minute. To continue to stay connected, just tap Open on the alert. Switching back to Colloquy before 10 minutes have elapsed, then switching away again will reset the countdown.

For more details on how multitasking works in iOS 4.0, see this ​excellent blog post from Craig Hockenberry.

risposta data 29.10.2014 - 00:20

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