Penso che l'app che stai cercando sia Cartella predefinita X
Fa una miriade di altre cose, ma facendo clic su una finestra del Finder aperta sul desktop verrà visualizzata la finestra di dialogo [anche se non è visibile dietro un'altra app o finestra]
Le cartelle "segnalibri", storicamente o come Preferiti e amp; puoi impostare diversi set per diverse app e amp; i flussi di lavoro.
Vale la pena il prezzo imho; L'ho usato da prima che aggiungessero la 'X' al titolo, in OS 9 & in precedenza. Lo considero uno dei miei programmi 'non posso vivere senza' utilità.
Nessuna affiliazione, solo un utente felice da molto tempo.
Copia / incolla della loro sezione Caratteristiche principali ...
Directory Assistant
Access your recent, favorite, and open folders from DFX's toolbar. Hierarchical pop-up menus let you quickly
navigate through folders to get to your files.
Real Time Saving
If you're constantly saving things inside the same folder, DFX can remember that folder for you. Or you can set it
as the default folder for an application so you're in the right folder
from the start.
Finder Management
DFX lets you open up or save to any Finder window with a single click. It also lets you get info on, duplicate,
rename, and delete existing files, putting the Finder's power in every
Open and Save dialog.
Instant Recall
To help you quickly return to folders and files you've used recently, DFX remembers them for you. It even re-selects
the last file you opened. With DFX, you'll never forget where you put
At Your Fingertips
Get places fast by using keyboard shortcuts for your favorite folders. Or jump to recent folders and open Finder
windows with a keystroke. DFX's shortcuts are completely
Spotlight on the Spot
Tag your files or edit your Spotlight comments from within any Open or Save dialog. Don't remember what tags
you used before? DFX shows you all of your recently used tags - just
drag and drop.