dove si trova il registro jitsi?


Su Linux, posso "codificare" il jitsi registro:

thufir@tleilax:~$ tail .jitsi/log/jitsi0.log.0
00:08:08.579 WARNING: [59] service.resources.AbstractResourcesService.getSettingsInt().596 Missing resource for key:
00:08:26.710 INFO: [73] impl.protocol.sip.SipLogger.logInfo().185 Info from the JAIN-SIP stack: the sip stack timer gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.timers.DefaultSipTimer has been stopped
00:08:27.738 INFO: [73] impl.protocol.sip.SipLogger.logInfo().185 Info from the JAIN-SIP stack: the sip stack timer gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.timers.DefaultSipTimer has been stopped
00:10:08.444 WARNING: [76] plugin.sipaccregwizz.SIPAccountRegistrationWizard.installAccount().419 An account for id [email protected] was already installed!
00:11:13.905 WARNING: [77] service.resources.AbstractResourcesService.getSettingsInt().596 Missing resource for key:
00:11:13.907 INFO: [77] impl.protocol.sip.SipLogger.logInfo().185 Info from the JAIN-SIP stack: the sip stack timer gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.timers.DefaultSipTimer has been started
00:11:13.913 WARNING: [77] service.resources.AbstractResourcesService.getSettingsInt().596 Missing resource for key:
00:11:44.729 SEVERE: [90] impl.protocol.sip.SipRegistrarConnection.processResponse().937 Received an error response (400)
00:11:44.817 INFO: [90] impl.protocol.sip.SipLogger.logInfo().185 Info from the JAIN-SIP stack: the sip stack timer gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.timers.DefaultSipTimer has been stopped
00:11:45.818 INFO: [90] impl.protocol.sip.SipLogger.logInfo().185 Info from the JAIN-SIP stack: the sip stack timer gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.timers.DefaultSipTimer has been stopped

Tuttavia, non sono stato in grado di trovare una directory .jitsi specificatamente o file di configurazione per le applicazioni utente. Sono generalmente nella cartella home? In particolare, dov'è la configurazione e il registro di jitsi, per favore?

Il mio sistema:

  System Version:   OS X 10.10.2 (14C1510)
  Kernel Version:   Darwin 14.1.0
  Boot Volume:  Mac OSx
  Boot Mode:    Normal
  Computer Name:    A MacBook Pro
  User Name:    thufir (thufir)
  Secure Virtual Memory:    Enabled
  Time since boot:  1:03
posta Thufir 16.03.2015 - 08:19

1 risposta


Jitsi → Preferenze , quindi selezionando la scheda "Avanzate" e aprendo il modulo "Registrazione". Vedrai il pulsante "Registri di archivio". Se la tua versione jitsi è superiore a 2.4 o più recente, puoi trovare i file di registro in ~/Library/Logs/Jitsi .

risposta data 16.03.2015 - 08:24

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