Come posso proteggermi da Wirelurker?


Ho appena visto un articolo sul malware feroce che è Wirelurker. In breve, Wirelurker può attaccare anche dispositivi iOS non-jailbroken e ha un grande potenziale per trasformare questi meravigliosi dispositivi iOS in robot stupidi :

Once WireLurker is on your iPhone or iPad, it appears to do a number of weird and wonderful things. If you’re not jailbroken, WireLurker simply installs/side-loads more apps from the iTunes App Store. If you’re jailbroken, it does a lot more, including infecting/trojanizing existing apps on your iOS device and backing them up to your Mac. In both cases, WireLurker constantly pings a central command server, which can trigger a payload update, or instruct WireLurker to harvest and transmit sensitive details from your device.

Cosa si può fare per salvaguardare da questo odioso software?

posta MDMoore313 06.11.2014 - 19:38

2 risposte


Non scaricare app di terze parti da fonti non attendibili.

In Preferenze di sistema , Imposta:

Sicurezza e amp; Privacy - > Generale - > Consenti le app scaricate da : a

Mac App Store o Mac App Store e sviluppatori identificati

Finora sembra che sia trasferibile da un computer a un dispositivo tramite una connessione da USB a iTunes, il che significa che il computer deve essere infetto da una di queste app di terze parti. Per ora sembra abbastanza limitato alla Cina e al suo negozio di app di terze parti.

Digital Trends Article.

Articolo sulle reti PaloAlto

risposta data 06.11.2014 - 19:51

Palo Alto Networks said the bug, known as WireLurker, spreads through apps uploaded to jailbroken Apple devices from a third-party store, but is also a serious threat to Apple devicesthat have not been tampered with. WireLurker can be transferred from a Mac computer to a mobile device through a USB cable.

“Characteristics of this malware family, including its ability to infect even non-jailbroken iOS through trojanized and repackaged OS X applications suggest that it marks a new era in malware across Apple’s desktop and mobile platforms,” Claud Xiao, of Palo Alto’s Unit 42 threat intelligence team who uncovered the malware. WireLurker was first noticed in June this year when a developer from Chinese firm Tencent observed there were suspicious files and processes occurring in his iPhone and Mac computer.

The Palo Alto report said that once WireLurker gets into a Mac computer, the malware contacts a command-and-control server to check if its code needs to be updated. The malware waits until an iPhone, iPad or iPod is connected to the Mac computer. When an iOS connects to the computer, WireLurker checks if the mobile device is jailbroken.

If the iOS device is jailbroken, WireLurker backs up the device’s apps to the Mac and then repackages the apps with malware. After that the infected apps are returned to the iOS device.

Fondamentalmente, non installare l'applicazione da siti non attendibili.

Fonte: WireLurker bug una nuova minaccia su iOS, macchine OS X

risposta data 06.11.2014 - 19:56

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