Modifica le regole di posta manualmente


Voglio modificare manualmente il seguente file .plist:


Poiché ricevo molto spam e aggiungo ogni indirizzo dello spammer alle regole usando Mail è impraticabile:


Quindi, qual è la mia domanda?

In conclusione, per ogni addro dello spammer lo script dovrebbe aggiungere una nuova voce dict con i seguenti campi:

            <string>CC4CB669-0D44-4A32-80B1-02D069718304</string> (*)
            <string>[email protected]</string>

Come viene generata la stringa in (*)? Come posso riempirlo?

posta kitsune 26.01.2018 - 08:21

1 risposta


Forse apprezzerai questo script. Fondamentalmente il codice otterrà tutti gli indirizzi e-mail dai mittenti di tutte le e-mail che si trovano nella tua casella di posta indesiderata e creerà una nuova regola di posta per ogni ..;. Impostazione del nome della regola sull'indirizzo email estratto. Nel caso in cui vi siano articoli duplicati nell'elenco dei mittenti, tutti i duplicati verranno rimossi prima di aggiungere le regole. Inoltre, apparirà una finestra di dialogo che ti darà la possibilità di abilitare le regole appena create. Questo codice dovrebbe dimostrarsi un enorme risparmio di tempo.

Funziona per me usando l'ultima versione di macOS High Sierra

set isRunning to application "Mail" is running

tell application "Mail"
    if isRunning is false then
        delay 12
        delay 2
    end if
    set junkEmailAddressesNoDupes to {}
    set junkEmailAddresses to sender of every message of junk mailbox
    if (count of junkEmailAddresses) is 0 then
        set zeroJunkMail to button returned of (display dialog "You Currently Have 0 Junk Mail Messages" buttons {"OK"} with icon 1 default button "OK" giving up after 10)
        if zeroJunkMail is "OK" then
            if isRunning is false then
                tell application "Mail" to quit
            end if
        end if
        if isRunning is false then
            tell application "Mail" to quit
        end if
    end if
    display alert ¬
        "IMPORTANT" message "Please Make Sure The Top Level Junk Mail Folder labeled" & " " & quote & "JUNK" & quote & ¬
        " Is Selected" as warning ¬
        buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} ¬
        default button 2 ¬
        cancel button 1 ¬
        giving up after 30
    delay 10
    repeat with i from 1 to count of junkEmailAddresses
        set thisItem to item i of junkEmailAddresses
        set thisEmail to extract address from thisItem
        set end of junkEmailAddressesNoDupes to thisEmail
    end repeat
end tell

set junkEmailAddressesNoDupes2 to removeDuplicates(junkEmailAddressesNoDupes)

tell application "Mail"
    set checkRulez to button returned of (display dialog ¬
        "Please Make Sure These New Junk Mail Rules Do Not Contain Any Valid Email Addresses That You Don't Want Tagged As Junk" & linefeed & linefeed & (junkEmailAddressesNoDupes2 as list) buttons {"CANCEL", "OK"} ¬
        default button 2 ¬
        cancel button 1 ¬
        with title ¬
        "NEW JUNK MAIL RULES" with icon 1 ¬
        giving up after 120)
end tell

if checkRulez is "CANCEL" then
end if

repeat with i from 1 to count of junkEmailAddressesNoDupes2
    set thisItem to item i of junkEmailAddressesNoDupes2
    tell application "Mail"
        if not (exists of rule thisItem) then
            make new rule ¬
                with properties {name:thisItem}
            tell its rule thisItem
                make new rule condition ¬
                    with properties {header:"", expression:thisItem, rule type:from header, qualifier:equal to value}
                delay 0.1
                set delete message to true
            end tell
        end if
    end tell
end repeat

tell application "Mail"
    set enableRulez to button returned of (display dialog ¬
        "Enable New Rules?" buttons {"Cancel", "No", "Yes"} ¬
        default button 3 ¬
        cancel button 1 ¬
        with title ¬
        "New Rulez" giving up after 30)
end tell

if enableRulez is "Yes" then
    tell application "Mail" to set enabled of every rule to true
end if

tell application "Mail"
    set applyRulez to button returned of (display dialog ¬
        "Would You Like To Apply Your New Junk Mail Rules To Your Current Junk Mail?" buttons {"No", "Yes"} ¬
        default button 2 ¬
        cancel button 1 ¬
        with title ¬
        "APPLY THE NEW RULES?" with icon 1 ¬
        giving up after 30)
end tell

if applyRulez is "Yes" then
    tell application "System Events"
        tell application "Mail" to activate
        click static text 1 of UI element 1 of row 5 of outline 1 of scroll area 1 ¬
            of splitter group 1 of window 1 of application process "Mail"
        delay 1
        keystroke "a" using command down
        delay 0.5
        keystroke "l" using {option down, command down}
    end tell
end if

on removeDuplicates(lst)
        if lst's class is not list then error "not a list." number -1704
        script k
            property l : lst
            property res : {}
        end script
        repeat with itemRef in k's l
            set itm to itemRef's contents
            if k's res does not contain {itm} then ¬
                set k's res's beginning to itm
        end repeat
        return k's res's reverse
    on error eMsg number eNum
        error "Can't removeDuplicates: " & eMsg number eNum
    end try
end removeDuplicates

risposta data 31.07.2018 - 01:37

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