Come riparare un display Seiki 4K inaffidabile con MacBook Retina Pro?


Sto provando a utilizzare il modello di display Seiki 4k SE39UY04 con un MacBook Pro Retina da 15 pollici all'inizio del 2013 a 3840x2160 a 30 Hz con Mavericks. L'ho fatto funzionare due volte in due giorni diversi, ma quando restituisco il mio MacBook sul display e sto cercando di riconnetterlo, al terzo tentativo sto fallendo. Ogni volta che ho dovuto giocherellare con esso per circa 45 minuti fino a quando non ho avuto modo di farlo funzionare. All'inizio sembrava che usare SetResX fosse incompatibile, quindi l'ho disinstallato e mi è sembrato di aiuto. Mentre ero lontano dal monitor, ho aggiunto QuickRes come alternativa a SetResX, ma ora, anche dopo aver riavviato più volte e non eseguendo più QuickRes, non riesco a far funzionare il display esterno oggi. Il sintomo è che Seiki dà il messaggio Not Support così sembra che veda un segnale che non supporta. Sto usando il cavo HDMI incluso con il monitor.

Esistono strumenti che posso utilizzare per aiutare a eseguire il debug perché questo funziona a intermittenza? C'è qualche tipo di driver che deve essere aggiornato? Questo sintomo suggerisce che il cavo HDMI è instabile? C'è un buon ordine per attaccare lo schermo relativo al display incorporato che si trova su (coperchio del laptop in alto)?

Qui viene emesso su /var/log/system.log dopo aver collegato il cavo HDMI:

Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Received display connect changed for display 0x4280380
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Found 62 modes for display 0x04280380 [36, 26]
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003d
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Found 1 modes for display 0x003f003d [1, 0]
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003e
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Found 1 modes for display 0x003f003e [1, 0]
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003f
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Found 1 modes for display 0x003f003f [1, 0]
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: CGXMuxAcknowledge: Posting glitchless acknowledge
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro Dock[288]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x2ac00003
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro Dock[288]: uuid_callback_master: failed to retrieve UUID for display 0x2ac00003 (1001) (invariant failure)
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro Dock[288]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x2ac00003
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro Dock[288]: uuid_callback_master: failed to retrieve UUID for display 0x2ac00003 (1001) (invariant failure)
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro Dock[288]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x2ac00003
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro Dock[288]: uuid_callback_master: failed to retrieve UUID for display 0x2ac00003 (1001) (invariant failure)
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro Dock[288]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x2ac00003
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro Dock[288]: uuid_callback_master: failed to retrieve UUID for display 0x2ac00003 (1001) (invariant failure)
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro Dock[288]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x2ac00003
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro Dock[288]: uuid_callback_master: failed to retrieve UUID for display 0x2ac00003 (1001) (invariant failure)
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro Dock[288]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x2ac00003
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro Dock[288]: uuid_callback_master: failed to retrieve UUID for display 0x2ac00003 (1001) (invariant failure)
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: MPAccessSurfaceForDisplayDevice: Set up page flip mode on display 0x04280380 device: 0x7feef1a035b0  isBackBuffered: 0 numComp: 1 numDisp: 3
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Received display connect changed for display 0x4280380
Feb 12 10:13:37 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Found 1 modes for display 0x04280380 [1, 0]
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Received display connect changed for display 0x4280380
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Found 62 modes for display 0x04280380 [36, 26]
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003d
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Found 1 modes for display 0x003f003d [1, 0]
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003e
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Found 1 modes for display 0x003f003e [1, 0]
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003f
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Found 130 modes for display 0x003f003f [60, 36]
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x003f003f changed state to online
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: MPServiceForDisplayDevice: Invalid device alias (0)
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x2ac00003: GL mask 0x8; bounds (0, 0)[3840 x 2160], 130 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, Vendor 4cab, Model 0, S/N 1, Unit 3, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xb47a7eaf729dbd6e213a05bd7d4993d7, ColorProfile { 4, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x04280380: GL mask 0x21; bounds (3840, 0)[1440 x 900], 62 modes available
    Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, OpenGL-accel, Vendor 610, Model a00e, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xf7e52f93b4ac312e87ed39669f5c08b8, ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000000f, accelerator 0x000050db, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x003f0042: GL mask 0x40; bounds (2944, 0)[1 x 1], 2 modes available
    off-line, enabled, OpenGL-accel, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 6, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01024400, GL mask 0x00000060, accelerator 0x00003523, unit 5, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (2945, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (2946, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3: Startup Mode 3840 x 2160, CGSThirtytwoBitColor, Resolution 1, ioModeID 0x80000000, ioModeDepth 0x2, IOReturn 0x0
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0: Startup Mode 1440 x 900, CGSThirtytwoBitColor, Resolution 2, ioModeID 0x80000000, ioModeDepth 0x2, IOReturn 0x0
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display added
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display removed
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x2ac00003: GL mask 0x8; bounds (0, 0)[3840 x 2160], 130 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, Vendor 4cab, Model 0, S/N 1, Unit 3, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xb47a7eaf729dbd6e213a05bd7d4993d7, ColorProfile { 4, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: _CGXGLDisplayContextForDisplayDevice: acquired display context (0x7feef1a05530) - enabling OpenGL
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000000f, accelerator 0x000050db, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x04280380: GL mask 0x21; bounds (913, 2160)[1440 x 900], 62 modes available
    Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, OpenGL-accel, Vendor 610, Model a00e, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xf7e52f93b4ac312e87ed39669f5c08b8, ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000000f, accelerator 0x000050db, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x003f0042: GL mask 0x40; bounds (4864, 0)[1 x 1], 2 modes available
    off-line, enabled, OpenGL-accel, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 6, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01024400, GL mask 0x00000060, accelerator 0x00003523, unit 5, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (4865, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (4866, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: MPAccessSurfaceForDisplayDevice: Set up page flip mode on display 0x2ac00003 device: 0x7feef1a05530  isBackBuffered: 1 numComp: 3 numDisp: 3
Feb 12 10:13:38 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: MPAccessSurfaceForDisplayDevice: Set up page flip mode on display 0x04280380 device: 0x7feef1a035b0  isBackBuffered: 1 numComp: 3 numDisp: 3
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found '/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
Feb 12 10:13:40 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 4, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 4, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 4, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 4, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found '/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
Feb 12 10:13:40 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 4, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 4, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 4, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 4, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 12 10:13:40 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[95]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)

Ecco alcuni file system.log di ieri quando lo schermo funzionava e stavo usando il software di calibrazione per creare o utilizzare un profilo:

Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003c
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Found 62 modes for display 0x003f003c [36, 26]
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f003c changed state to online
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003d
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Found 1 modes for display 0x003f003d [1, 0]
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003e
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Found 1 modes for display 0x003f003e [1, 0]
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Received display connect changed for display 0x2ac00003
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Found 130 modes for display 0x2ac00003 [60, 36]
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: MPServiceForDisplayDevice: Invalid device alias (0)
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: GL mask 0x8; bounds (0, 0)[3840 x 2160], 130 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, OpenGL-accel, Vendor 4cab, Model 0, S/N 1, Unit 3, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xb47a7eaf729dbd6e213a05bd7d4993d7, ColorProfile { 10, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000000f, accelerator 0x00004fdb, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f0042: GL mask 0x40; bounds (4864, 0)[1 x 1], 2 modes available
    off-line, enabled, OpenGL-accel, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 6, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01024400, GL mask 0x00000060, accelerator 0x00003427, unit 5, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (4865, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (4866, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x04280380: GL mask 0x21; bounds (3840, 0)[1920 x 1200], 62 modes available
    Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model a00e, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xf7e52f93b4ac312e87ed39669f5c08b8, ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: CGError post_notification(const CGSNotificationType, void *const, const size_t, const bool, const CGSRealTimeDelta, const int, const CGSConnectionID *const, const pid_t): Timed out 0.250 second wait for reply from "Microsoft Word" for synchronous notification type 100 (kCGSDisplayWillReconfigure) (CID 0xf5db, PID 684)
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3: Startup Mode 3840 x 2160, CGSThirtytwoBitColor, Resolution 1, ioModeID 0x80000000, ioModeDepth 0x2, IOReturn 0x0
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0: Startup Mode 1920 x 1200, CGSThirtytwoBitColor, Resolution 2, ioModeID 0x80000002, ioModeDepth 0x1, IOReturn 0x0
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display added
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display removed
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: GL mask 0x8; bounds (0, 0)[3840 x 2160], 130 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, OpenGL-accel, Vendor 4cab, Model 0, S/N 1, Unit 3, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xb47a7eaf729dbd6e213a05bd7d4993d7, ColorProfile { 10, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000000f, accelerator 0x00004fdb, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f0042: GL mask 0x40; bounds (4864, 0)[1 x 1], 2 modes available
    off-line, enabled, OpenGL-accel, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 6, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01024400, GL mask 0x00000060, accelerator 0x00003427, unit 5, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (4865, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (4866, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x04280380: GL mask 0x21; bounds (913, 2160)[1920 x 1200], 62 modes available
    Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model a00e, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xf7e52f93b4ac312e87ed39669f5c08b8, ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: _CGXGLDisplayContextForDisplayDevice: acquired display context (0x7fd548d28810) - enabling OpenGL
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000000f, accelerator 0x00004fdb, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 11 14:26:34 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: MPAccessSurfaceForDisplayDevice: Set up page flip mode on display 0x2ac00003 device: 0x7fd548d24410  isBackBuffered: 1 numComp: 3 numDisp: 3
Feb 11 14:26:35 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: MPAccessSurfaceForDisplayDevice: Set up page flip mode on display 0x04280380 device: 0x7fd548d28810  isBackBuffered: 0 numComp: 1 numDisp: 3
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found '/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 10, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 10, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found '/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 10, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 10, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found '/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
Feb 11 14:26:36 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 10, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 10, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 10, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3; ColorProfile { 10, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
Feb 11 14:26:36 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x04280380: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Received display connect changed for display 0x4280380
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Found 1 modes for display 0x04280380 [1, 0]
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x04280380 changed state to offline
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003d
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Found 1 modes for display 0x003f003d [1, 0]
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003e
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Found 1 modes for display 0x003f003e [1, 0]
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Received display connect changed for display 0x2ac00003
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Found 114 modes for display 0x2ac00003 [60, 20]
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro loginwindow[58]: CGSGetDisplayAliasList: Invalid display 0x04280380
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro loginwindow[58]: CGSServiceForDisplayNumber: Invalid display 0x04280380
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: MPServiceForDisplayDevice: Invalid device alias (0)
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: GL mask 0x8; bounds (0, 0)[3840 x 2160], 114 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, OpenGL-accel, Vendor 4cab, Model 0, S/N 1, Unit 3, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xb47a7eaf729dbd6e213a05bd7d4993d7, ColorProfile { 10, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000000f, accelerator 0x00004fdb, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f0042: GL mask 0x40; bounds (4864, 0)[1 x 1], 2 modes available
    off-line, enabled, OpenGL-accel, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 6, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01024400, GL mask 0x00000060, accelerator 0x00003427, unit 5, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (4865, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (4866, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f003c: GL mask 0x21; bounds (913, 2160)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, boot, OpenGL-accel, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 0, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000000f, accelerator 0x00004fdb, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: Unit 3: Startup Mode 3840 x 2160, CGSThirtytwoBitColor, Resolution 1, ioModeID 0x80001000, ioModeDepth 0x2, IOReturn 0x0
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display added
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display removed
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x2ac00003: GL mask 0x8; bounds (0, 0)[3840 x 2160], 114 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, OpenGL-accel, Vendor 4cab, Model 0, S/N 1, Unit 3, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xb47a7eaf729dbd6e213a05bd7d4993d7, ColorProfile { 10, "Seiki Calibrated Expert"}
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000000f, accelerator 0x00004fdb, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f0042: GL mask 0x40; bounds (4864, 0)[1 x 1], 2 modes available
    off-line, enabled, OpenGL-accel, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 6, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01024400, GL mask 0x00000060, accelerator 0x00003427, unit 5, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1024 MB
    texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (4865, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (4866, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro WindowServer[107]: Display 0x003f003c: GL mask 0x21; bounds (4867, 2160)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, boot, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 0, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro System Preferences[606]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x04280380
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro Activity Monitor[765]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x04280380
Feb 11 14:26:42 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro Dock[275]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x04280380
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro Dock[275]: uuid_callback_master: failed to retrieve UUID for display 0x04280380 (1001) (invariant failure)
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro Finder[277]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x04280380
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro Dock[275]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x04280380
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro Dock[275]: uuid_callback_master: failed to retrieve UUID for display 0x04280380 (1001) (invariant failure)
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro System Preferences[606]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x04280380
Feb 11 14:26:42 ws-macbook-pro Dock[275]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x04280380
posta WilliamKF 12.02.2014 - 19:00

1 risposta


Per risolvere i problemi descritti, il monitor Seiki necessita di un aggiornamento del firmware. Le istruzioni sul sito Seiki non sono corrette per questo monitor. Ecco le istruzioni corrette per aggiornare il firmware:

  1. Scarica il file .rar / .zip ed estrai il file "install.img" su una thumbdrive appena formattata (FAT32)

  2. Inserisci la pen drive nella porta USB 1 (quella sul retro, non sul lato)

  3. Accendi la TV

  4. Sul telecomando premi il pulsante "menu"

  5. Quindi sul telecomando premi "0" 4 volte, per accedere al menu di servizio.

  6. Nel menu di servizio seleziona l'opzione di aggiornamento del software

  7. Lo schermo mostrerà l'animazione di aggiornamento

  8. Attendi pazientemente che l'aggiornamento finisca

  9. Spegni la TV al termine

  10. Disconnetti pen drive

Link firmware aggiornati:



risposta data 18.03.2014 - 01:14

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