Impossibile creare l'account mobile su AD Connected Mavericks Machine


Ogni volta che provo ad accedere come utente AD a un MacBook Pro Mavericks OS X, non è possibile creare un account mobile. Ho le impostazioni di AD impostate per creare un account mobile al momento dell'accesso, in modo che sia corretto, ma non sono proprio sicuro del motivo per cui non funziona. Ho provato a eseguire il comando del terminale per creare l'utente mobile (con informazioni dettagliate su) e questo è ciò che restituisce: (il nome utente è stato sostituito con <username here>

bash-3.2$ sudo ./createmobileaccount -v -n <username here>
createmobileaccount built Nov 23 2013 15:20:29
verbose output on.
user name = "<username here>"
home path = "(null)"
user password = "(null)"
prompt for password = FALSE
encrypt new home = FALSE
create as external account = TRUE
home sync new account = FALSE
effective home path = /Users/<username here>
2013-12-20 08:14:17.753 createmobileaccount[9371:1303] ### authenticateUsingAuthorizationSync error:Error Code=-60007 "The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error -60007.)"
2013-12-20 08:14:23.145 createmobileaccount[9371:507] MCXCCacheMCXRecordAndGraph(): vproc_swap_integer(NULL, VPROC_GSK_PERUSER_SUSPEND, &(uid=10175887), NULL) failed
2013-12-20 08:14:23.146 createmobileaccount[9371:507] MCXCCacheMCXRecordAndGraph(): [localNode createRecordWithRecordType:dsRecTypeStandard:Users name:"<username here"] == 4001 (Operation was denied because the current credentials do not have the appropriate privileges.)
2013-12-20 08:14:23.808 createmobileaccount[9371:507] MCXCCacheMCXRecordAndGraph(): vproc_swap_integer(NULL, VPROC_GSK_PERUSER_RESUME, &(uid=10175887), NULL) failed
2013-12-20 08:14:23.809 createmobileaccount[9371:507] MCXCCreateMobileAccount(): Failed to create account. Error = 4001 (MCXCCacheMCXRecordAndGraph failed). Cleaning up mobile account record.
*** mobile account could not be created: 4001 (Operation was denied because the current credentials do not have the appropriate privileges.)

Ho visto le righe che affermano che non ho i privilegi appropriati, ma lo sto eseguendo come sudo con il mio utente amministratore.

*** Aggiornamento

Ho provato a eseguire il comando utilizzando un altro account amministratore e ho ottenuto un output diverso

bash-3.2$ sudo ./createmobileaccount -v -n '<username here>'
createmobileaccount built Nov 23 2013 15:20:29
verbose output on.
user name = "'<username here>'"
home path = "(null)"
user password = "(null)"
prompt for password = FALSE
encrypt new home = FALSE
create as external account = TRUE
home sync new account = FALSE
effective home path = /Users/'<username here>'
2013-12-20 09:44:16.603 createmobileaccount[9616:1303] ### authenticateUsingAuthorizationSync error:Error Code=-60007 "The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error -60007.)"
2013-12-20 09:44:17.163 createmobileaccount[9616:507] MCXCCacheMCXRecordAndGraph(): vproc_swap_integer(NULL, VPROC_GSK_PERUSER_SUSPEND, &(uid=10175887), NULL) failed
2013-12-20 09:44:17.732 createmobileaccount[9616:507] MCXCCacheMCXRecordAndGraph(): vproc_swap_integer(NULL, VPROC_GSK_PERUSER_RESUME, &(uid=10175887), NULL) failed
2013-12-20 09:44:18.015 createmobileaccount[9616:507] MCXCCreateMobileAccount(): Failed to create account. Error = -6304 (mobile account file path is either not a directory or could not be properly created). Cleaning up mobile account record.
2013-12-20 09:44:18.019 createmobileaccount[9616:1303] ### authenticateUsingAuthorizationSync error:Error Code=-60007 "The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error -60007.)"
2013-12-20 09:44:18.102 createmobileaccount[9616:507] MCXCDeleteAccount(): vproc_swap_integer(NULL, VPROC_GSK_PERUSER_SUSPEND, &(uid=10175887), NULL) failed
2013-12-20 09:44:21.579 createmobileaccount[9616:1303] ### Error: setMachineArray:(
    date = "2013-06-13 23:01:20 +0000";
    "dsAttrTypeStandard:RealName" = '<old deleted username1>';
    "dsAttrTypeStandard:UniqueID" = 503;
    name = '<old deleted username>';
    date = "2013-06-13 23:01:51 +0000";
    "dsAttrTypeStandard:RealName" = "'<old deleted username2>'";
    "dsAttrTypeStandard:UniqueID" = 502;
    name = '<old deleted username>';
    date = "2013-06-25 21:46:17 +0000";
    "dsAttrTypeStandard:RealName" = temp;
    "dsAttrTypeStandard:UniqueID" = 504;
    name = temp;
    date = "2013-08-07 15:29:02 +0000";
    "dsAttrTypeStandard:RealName" = "'<old deleted username3>'";
    "dsAttrTypeStandard:UniqueID" = 501;
    name = '<old deleted username3>';
    date = "2013-12-20 16:44:21 +0000";
    "dsAttrTypeStandard:RealName" = "username here";
    "dsAttrTypeStandard:UniqueID" = 10175887;
    name = "'<username here>'";
) forKey:deletedUsers
2013-12-20 09:44:21.580 createmobileaccount[9616:507] MCXCDeleteAccount(): vproc_swap_integer(NULL, VPROC_GSK_PERUSER_RESUME, &(uid=10175887), NULL)failed
*** mobile account could not be created: -6304 (MCXCCreateMobileAccount(): [newUser createHomeDirectory] failed)
posta MacMobileAccountHelp 20.12.2013 - 16:43

1 risposta


Abbiamo finito per aggirare il problema eseguendo il comando:

sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/ –v –P –n networkusername

Non siamo ancora sicuri del motivo per cui non creerebbe automaticamente l'account, ma questo ha funzionato per ciò di cui avevamo bisogno.


risposta data 03.03.2014 - 20:01

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