Come utilizzare il backup di Time Machine su un altro computer?


Avevo un MacBook Pro, a metà del 2010, su cui eseguivo regolarmente backup settimanali di Time Machine. Il computer è stato accidentalmente distrutto. Quando è morto era in esecuzione OS X 10.10.4.

Poi ho preso un nuovo MacBook Pro, modello 2014 e ha lo stesso disco rigido delle stesse dimensioni. È possibile ripristinare i dati sul nuovo computer utilizzando il backup di Time Machine dal vecchio computer? Se sì, come?

posta qazwsx 25.08.2015 - 03:14

2 risposte


Sì, puoi. Quando configuri il nuovo Mac e lo colleghi al backup di Time Machine tramite la rete o via cavo, puoi selezionare il ripristino da Time Machine Backup durante l'installazione. Se hai già configurato il tuo nuovo Mac e desideri ripristinarlo, utilizza Assistente Migrazione trovato nelle Applicazioni > Utilità cartella.

Le istruzioni sono disponibili sul supporto Apple. Consulta il link sottostante o cerca l'assistenza per Assistente migrazione .

Da Supporto Apple :

Migration Assistant and Setup Assistant

Setup Assistant opens the first time you start up a new Mac. It helps you enter your information about your network, and guides you through setting up a user account on your computer. Use it to transfer user accounts, settings, and documents from another computer to your Mac.

If you don't use Setup Assistant to transfer information when you first set up your new Mac, you can do it later using Migration Assistant.

Migration Assistant in OS X Mavericks and Yosemite can transfer information from other computers that have OS X Snow Leopard v10.6.8 or later installed. If you're migrating from a computer with an earlier version of OS X, update your older computer first, or manually copy your data from one computer to another. If you're migrating from a Windows-based PC to a Mac, you can use the Windows Migration Assistant as part of this process.

Migrate from a Time Machine backup or external drive Use these steps to migrate users, data, or other information from an existing Time

Machine backup stored on a Time Capsule or external drive.

  1. If your Time Machine backup is on an external drive, connect the drive to your new Mac.
  2. On your new Mac, open Migration Assistant. You can find it by choosing Go > Utilities, or using Spotlight or Launchpad.
  3. Enter an admin password when prompted, and click OK.
  4. Select "From a Mac, Time Machine backup, or startup disk", then click Continue.
  5. Select the Drive, Time Machine backup, or Time Capsule volume you want to migrate from, then click Continue. The Continue button is unavailable (dimmed) until you select a source.
  6. If you're migrating from a Time Capsule, enter your Time Capsule password when prompted, then click Connect.
  7. Select the specific Time Machine backup you want to migrate from, then click Continue.
  8. You can customize the type of information that is migrated on the next screen. If you want to transfer only a portion of an account, deselect anything you don't want migrated. If there is more than one user on your original Mac, you can click the triangle next to a user's icon and deselect anything you don't want to migrate for specific users.
  9. After you click Continue, the Migration Assistant begins transferring files to Mac. The amount of time that it takes for migration to complete depends on the amount of data being copied, and the speed of the connection. After migration finishes, the login window reappears. Log into the migrated account on your new Mac to see your old files.

risposta data 25.08.2015 - 03:36

Questo non funzionerà se il tuo computer è (sono) Server abilitato. FTL!

Se è stata installata l'applicazione MacOSX Server per l'installazione, quando si tenta di eseguire questa azione, verrà visualizzato un avviso di dialogo che indica che questa funzione non è supportata in MacOSX Server.

risposta data 05.11.2015 - 23:52

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