Copiato direttamente da Apple Discussions: Installazione del cassetto per MacPro5,1 in MacPro4,1
[Non posso rivendicare altro che Google-Fu su questo. La mia SMC è uguale a quella di NoahL 1.39f5, quindi posso solo presumere che la mia abbia la scheda madre originale di 4,1, con 3.46 GHz che Westmeres ha aggiunto al mercato post-vendita. Ho comprato il mio pronto-aggiornato, quindi non è un processo che abbia mai fatto da solo.]
Da questo, tuttavia, sembrerebbe che le 2 versioni della scheda figlia CPU / RAM non siano intercambiabili.
I think I can answer the question now. There was a misunderstanding
regarding the firmware upgrade tool to upgrade a Mac Pro 4,1 to 5,1.
The firmware upgarde tool does not update the SMC firmware, but
installs a different boot rom version. Mac Pro 4,1 (2009):
MP41.0081.B07 (original) Mac Pro 5,1 (2009): MP51.007F.B03 (upgraded)
The system and CPU board SMC version remains at 1.39f5 for the MacPro
2009. A Mac Pro 2010 uses 1.39f11. After upgrading a Mac Pro 4,1 to 5,1, the SMC firmware was still 1.39f5. SMC mainly deals with
temperatures and fan speeds. It is important that the SMC version of
the CPU and system are the same. So to answer my question, it is not
possible to use a 5,1 CPU board in a 4,1 system or vice versa. I'm not
sure what happens when mixing them, but apparently the system does
either not boot or the fans go crazy, perhaps depending whether you
put a 5,1 cpu board into a 4,1 system or vice versa. Here are some
links I found meanwhile for reference:;wap2,852.375.html
Btw, the firmware upgrade tool 4,1 to 5,1 shows error 5570. That is
because Apple changed the location of the 5,1 efi firmware image. You
can however download the 5,1 firmware from Apple and simply mount the
disk image prior to running the tool and it will work fine. Then
shutdown the system and hold down the power button until a tone
occurs, then the system will restart and show a progress bar to update
the firmware.