Qual è la differenza tra abilitare la gestione remota e abilitare la condivisione dello schermo?
L'articolo del supporto di Apple, link , dice:
If the Apple Remote Desktop administrator authenticates with a name that is different from the user logged on at the remote computer, the following applies:
- If the service was enabled by turning on Screen Sharing, the screen sharing user is presented with the option to request sharing access from the user logged on at the display.
- If the service was enabled by turning on Remote Management, the screen sharing user can simply choose to share the display.
- The screen sharing user can always choose to log in to their own session.
Inoltre afferma:
If the remote computer's display is at the login window, the Apple Remote Desktop administrator will simply share the display. This is equivalent to how screen sharing works in earlier versions of Mac OS X.
A third party VNC viewer will always be connected to the login window. If the login window is not on the display, a new login window is started that is not shown on the display. The screen sharing user can then log in with any valid account on that computer.
Quindi presumo che stia utilizzando lo stesso protocollo (VNC) sotto e si comporta in modo leggermente diverso a seconda dell'opzione che abiliti.
Che cos'è il client remoto di Apple? È l'app Screen Sharing in CoreServices (/ System / Library / CoreServices / Screen Sharing.app) o c'è qualcos'altro che mi sarebbe sfuggito?
Infine, qual è il prodotto Mac App Store "Apple Remote Desktop" ($ 80, link ) e in che cosa differisce da quanto sopra?