Se creo un CSR con openssl e imposto il giorno di scadenza a 5 anni, è possibile che la CA di firma imposti la data di scadenza a un anno? Quale ha la precedenza?
EDIT: ok, penso che la risposta del post StackOverflow risponda alla domanda
Estrai il periodo di validità richiesto da un certificato Richiesta di firma usando OpenSSL
I've been trying to figure out how to request a specific validity period in a CSR, and as far as I can tell, the CSR simply doesn't carry that information. The CSR's structure is defined in PKCS#10 / RFC2986, and it doesn't have a field specifically for a requested validity period. The attributes and extensions that can be put in the CSR are listed in PKCS#9, and there's nothing there about validity periods. And finally, I can do a openssl asn1parse on my generated CSRs and find that there's no validity-period-related information included regardless of what I pass to openssl req"