update rsync in alta sierra


Voglio aggiornare rsync in alta sierra.

Dopo averlo installato usando homebrew, è installato in


rsync --version mostra ancora 2.6.9. come posso risolvere il problema?

posta qinking126 30.11.2018 - 13:16

1 risposta


Da questo articolo:

Open the terminal and paste the command:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Homebrew will link most software to /usr/local/bin. However, the terminal may be looking in other folders first, so lets make sure that /usr/local/bin is the first line in our path list.

sudo nano /private/etc/paths

Now you are ready to install the new Rsync version, and can do so as follows:

brew install rsync

Once completed, you should sign out and back in to MacOS.

When entering the command below, you will see now that you are using rsync 3.1.3 (at time of writing), instead of rsync 2.6.9. You are no longer running a 12 year old version of Rsync!

rsync --version
rsync  version 3.1.3  protocol version 31

As simple as that.

risposta data 30.11.2018 - 14:34

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