Le segnalazioni / arresti anomali dell'applicazione Apple contengono informazioni riservate?


Quando un'applicazione si blocca e io la chiudo forzatamente, il mio sistema genera in genere un rapporto lungo e mi invita a inviare tale rapporto ad Apple.

La mia domanda è questa: questo rapporto contiene informazioni riservate, in particolare informazioni che potrebbero essere utilizzate per compromettere la sicurezza del mio sistema, se dovesse cadere in mani non affidabili?

Chiedo perché questo è successo di recente con uno dei miei programmi e mi sono offerto di inoltrare questo rapporto allo sviluppatore. Tuttavia, mi è venuto in mente che non conosco abbastanza bene l'azienda per fidarmi di loro con informazioni riservate. Quindi mi piacerebbe sapere se è completamente "sicuro" inoltrare loro il rapporto completo.

posta theorist 15.05.2018 - 21:00

1 risposta


Ecco le norme di Apple relative alle informazioni condivise nei rapporti sugli arresti anomali. Vedi la parte in testo in grassetto :

Analytics information may be sent to Apple when you report a problem; you can opt in or out of sharing the information.

About analytics and privacy

Apple would like your help improving the quality of its products and services, > including Siri and other intelligent features, by allowing analytics of usage data from your device and your iCloud account.

With your permission, macOS can automatically collect analytics information from your Mac and send it to Apple to help improve the quality and performance of its products. This information is sent only with your consent and is submitted anonymously to Apple.

You can also allow analytics of usage and data from your iCloud account to help Apple develop and improve Siri and other intelligent features. Analysis of data from your iCloud account including text snippets from email messages or other similar data in your account is undertaken only after the data has undergone privacy preserving techniques such as differential privacy so that it is not associated with you or your account.

Further details

If you agree to send Mac Analytics information to Apple, it may include the following:

  • Details about app or system crashes, freezes, or kernel panics

  • Information about events on your Mac (for example, whether a certain function such as waking your Mac was successful or not)

  • Usage information (for example, data about how you use Apple and third-party software, hardware, and services)

Analytics data contains your computer’s hardware and software specifications, including information about devices connected to your Mac and the versions of the operating system and apps you’re using on your Mac. Personal data is either not logged at all in the reports generated by your Mac, is subject to privacy preserving techniques such as differential privacy, or is removed from any reports before they’re sent to Apple. If you want to add a description of your actions when the problem occurred, click the disclosure triangle and enter your comments. Please do not provide personal information.

risposta data 15.05.2018 - 23:21

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