Incolla questo script nell'editor di script e salvalo come servizio. Mappare il servizio a una scorciatoia da tastiera.
tell application "Safari"
tell current tab of window 1
do JavaScript "location.reload();"
end tell
end tell
tell application "Safari"
tell window 1
set myTab to tab 1
set myTab to first tab whose URL = ""
set myTab to first tab whose URL starts with ""
if current tab is not myTab then set current tab to myTab
tell myTab to do JavaScript "location.reload();"
end tell
end tell
Seleziona la tua scheda ed esegui questo script per ottenere il suo nome
tell application "Safari"
tell window 1
get name of current tab
end tell
end tell
Compila il nome in questo script:
tell application "Safari"
tell window 1
set myTab to first tab whose name = "insert name here"
if current tab is not myTab then set current tab to myTab
tell myTab to do JavaScript "location.reload();"
end tell
end tell