OSX Yosemite Crash: impossibile riaprire l'app


Ho un problema davvero fastidioso che accade quando utilizzo Adobe Dreamweaver.

Durante il salvataggio quando si è collegati a un server e si spingono i file, spesso si blocca.

Il problema è che blocca completamente l'app e sono costretto a "Forzare Esci" dal programma.

Tuttavia, una volta forzato l'uscita non riesco a riaprire l'app senza riavviare il mac.

Puoi vedere un video qui mentre accade: link

Al momento del riavvio viene visualizzato un tipo di cache o di un file temporaneo e vorrei sapere se qualcuno è in grado di eseguire lo stesso compito tramite il terminale?

Ci vuole un sacco di tempo fuori dalla mia giornata in cui devo rilanciare tutti i siti di strumenti ecc. ogni volta che si blocca. Poiché utilizzo Dreamweaver tutto il giorno e si blocca almeno 5 volte al giorno; è molto fastidioso.

Qualche idea?

Aggiorna Sono connesso a un server Windows montato tramite un indirizzo del server SMB. Ogni volta che si blocca, mi assicuro che il mount sia ancora lì e attivo quale esso sia.

Ecco il log nella finestra dei 30 minuti in cui è successo:

  2/4/15 3:04:46.912 PM firefox[607]: dnssd_clientstub handle_query_response: error reading result from daemon
2/4/15 3:05:24.813 PM CalendarAgent[367]: Stream 0x7f8fcd0382e0 is sending an event before being opened
2/4/15 3:05:51.003 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
2/4/15 3:05:51.027 PM Messages[617]: schema version 8009
2/4/15 3:05:51.685 PM identityservicesd[406]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f839a604280>: Configuring notification center for identifier: com.apple.iChat   topics: (
2/4/15 3:05:51.689 PM identityservicesd[406]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f839a604280>:    NC Disabled: NO
2/4/15 3:05:51.693 PM identityservicesd[406]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f839a604280>:   DND Enabled: NO
2/4/15 3:05:51.693 PM identityservicesd[406]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f839a604280>: Updating enabled: YES   (Topics: (
2/4/15 3:05:51.718 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
2/4/15 3:05:51.732 PM com.apple.SecurityServer[56]: Session 100018 created
2/4/15 3:05:51.767 PM Messages[617]: [Warning] Calling cachedImageData from thread other than main thread.
    0   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff986536fb -[IMPerson(IMRenderingUtilities) cachedImageData] + 99
    1   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff98652c4a -[Presentity customPicture] + 92
    2   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff986899a3 -[IMHandle(IMRenderingUtilities) monogramWithDiameter:style:blocking:] + 539
    3   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff98650362 -[TranscriptImageResourceProtocol requestResourceData:fromURL:] + 9964
    4   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff9864db7b -[TranscriptImageResourceProtocol startLoading] + 140
    5   CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95f62304 ___ZN19URLConnectionLoader27_private_ScheduleOriginLoadEPK12NSURLRequestPK20_CFCachedURLResponse_block_invoke_2 + 61
    6   CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e7a37b ___ZNK19URLConnectionLoader25withExistingProtocolAsyncEU13block_pointerFvP11URLProtocolE_block_invoke + 25
    7   CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e7a33c _ZN19RunloopBlockContext13_invoke_blockEPKvPv + 72
    8   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff98112274 CFArrayApplyFunction + 68
    9   CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e7a1fd _ZN19RunloopBlockContext7performEv + 133
    10  CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e7a09e _ZN17MultiplexerSource7performEv + 282
    11  CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e79ec0 _ZN17MultiplexerSource8_performEPv + 72
    12  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff98146681 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17
    13  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff9813880d __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 269
    14  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff98137e3f __CFRunLoopRun + 927
    15  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff98137858 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296
    16  CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95efec80 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 434
    17  Foundation                          0x00007fff990b390a __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    18  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff9c4fd268 _pthread_body + 131
    19  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff9c4fd1e5 _pthread_body + 0
    20  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff9c4fb41d thread_start + 13
2/4/15 3:05:51.777 PM Messages[617]: [Warning] Calling imageDataBlocking from thread other than main thread.
    0   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff98652dd3 -[IMPerson(IMRenderingUtilities) imageDataBlocking] + 99
    1   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff98652cce -[Presentity customPicture] + 224
    2   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff986899a3 -[IMHandle(IMRenderingUtilities) monogramWithDiameter:style:blocking:] + 539
    3   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff98650362 -[TranscriptImageResourceProtocol requestResourceData:fromURL:] + 9964
    4   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff9864db7b -[TranscriptImageResourceProtocol startLoading] + 140
    5   CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95f62304 ___ZN19URLConnectionLoader27_private_ScheduleOriginLoadEPK12NSURLRequestPK20_CFCachedURLResponse_block_invoke_2 + 61
    6   CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e7a37b ___ZNK19URLConnectionLoader25withExistingProtocolAsyncEU13block_pointerFvP11URLProtocolE_block_invoke + 25
    7   CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e7a33c _ZN19RunloopBlockContext13_invoke_blockEPKvPv + 72
    8   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff98112274 CFArrayApplyFunction + 68
    9   CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e7a1fd _ZN19RunloopBlockContext7performEv + 133
    10  CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e7a09e _ZN17MultiplexerSource7performEv + 282
    11  CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e79ec0 _ZN17MultiplexerSource8_performEPv + 72
    12  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff98146681 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17
    13  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff9813880d __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 269
    14  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff98137e3f __CFRunLoopRun + 927
    15  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff98137858 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296
    16  CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95efec80 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 434
    17  Foundation                          0x00007fff990b390a __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    18  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff9c4fd268 _pthread_body + 131
    19  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff9c4fd1e5 _pthread_body + 0
    20  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff9c4fb41d thread_start + 13
2/4/15 3:05:51.897 PM logind[72]: -[SessionManager getClient:withRole:inAuditSession:]:241: ERROR: No session dictionary for audit session 100018
2/4/15 3:05:51.897 PM logind[72]: _SMGetSessionAgent:73: ERROR: __SMGetClientForAuditSessionAgent failed 2
2/4/15 3:05:51.898 PM IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent[625]: SACShieldWindowShowing:925: ERROR: NULL response
2/4/15 3:05:52.005 PM com.apple.SecurityServer[56]: Killing auth hosts
2/4/15 3:05:52.005 PM com.apple.SecurityServer[56]: Session 100017 destroyed
2/4/15 3:05:52.098 PM NetAuthSysAgent[616]: NAHSelectionAcquireCredential The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.apple.NetworkAuthenticationHelper error -1765328228 - acquire_kerberos failed [email protected]: -1765328228 - unable to reach any KDC in realm 248.144.91, tried 0 KDCs)
2/4/15 3:05:54.738 PM mds[35]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7f96a7006600 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:1 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/wwwroot
2/4/15 3:05:57.332 PM WindowServer[133]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Finder" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
2/4/15 3:06:09.047 PM WindowServer[133]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Finder" after 12.72 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
2/4/15 3:06:09.113 PM identityservicesd[406]: ApplePushService: <APSConnection: 0x7f839a5367b0> Received message from apsd: <APSIncomingMessage: 0x7f839a52b2d0> but it didn't match the enabled topics: (
) or opportunistic topics: (
2/4/15 3:06:13.010 PM identityservicesd[406]: ApplePushService: <APSConnection: 0x7f839a5367b0> Received message from apsd: <APSIncomingMessage: 0x7f839c91f9c0> but it didn't match the enabled topics: (
) or opportunistic topics: (
2/4/15 3:06:18.637 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 1: Both of the following type_info's should have public visibility.  At least one of them is hidden. N5dvaui2ui8MessageTIKNS0_7UI_NodeEEE, N5dvaui8controls23UI_PictureSupplyMessageE.
2/4/15 3:06:19.459 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's  has hidden visibility.  They should all have public visibility.   N5dvaui2ui8MessageTINS0_7UI_NodeEEE, N5dvaui8controls23UI_ButtonChangedMessageE, N5dvaui8controls24UI_ControlChangedMessageE.
2/4/15 3:06:21.266 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's  has hidden visibility.  They should all have public visibility.   N5dvaui2ui8MessageTINS0_7UI_NodeEEE, N5dvaui8controls23UI_ButtonChangedMessageE, N5dvaui8controls24UI_ControlChangedMessageE.
2/4/15 3:06:21.843 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's  has hidden visibility.  They should all have public visibility.   N5dvaui2ui8MessageTINS0_7UI_NodeEEE, N5dvaui8controls23UI_ButtonChangedMessageE, N5dvaui8controls24UI_ControlChangedMessageE.
2/4/15 3:06:22.551 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
2/4/15 3:06:26.069 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's  has hidden visibility.  They should all have public visibility.   N5adobe23poly_copyable_interfaceE, N5adobe14implementation13poly_instanceINS_23poly_placeable_instanceIPN10dvaadameve28UI_DVAClientWidgetEveAdapterEEEEE, N5adobe32poly_placeable_twopass_interfaceE.
2/4/15 3:06:26.069 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's  has hidden visibility.  They should all have public visibility.   N5adobe23poly_copyable_interfaceE, N5adobe14implementation13poly_instanceINS_23poly_placeable_instanceIPN10dvaadameve18UI_EvePopupAdapterEEEEE, N5adobe32poly_placeable_twopass_interfaceE.
2/4/15 3:06:26.069 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's  has hidden visibility.  They should all have public visibility.   N5adobe23poly_copyable_interfaceE, N5adobe14implementation13poly_instanceINS_23poly_placeable_instanceIPN10dvaadameve19UI_EveColumnAdapterEEEEE, N5adobe32poly_placeable_twopass_interfaceE.
2/4/15 3:06:26.069 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's  has hidden visibility.  They should all have public visibility.   N5adobe23poly_copyable_interfaceE, N5adobe14implementation13poly_instanceINS_23poly_placeable_instanceIPN10dvaadameve21UI_EveTextEditAdapterEEEEE, N5adobe32poly_placeable_twopass_interfaceE.
2/4/15 3:06:26.069 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's  has hidden visibility.  They should all have public visibility.   N5adobe23poly_copyable_interfaceE, N5adobe14implementation13poly_instanceINS_23poly_placeable_instanceIPN10dvaadameve16UI_EveRowAdapterEEEEE, N5adobe32poly_placeable_twopass_interfaceE.
2/4/15 3:06:26.075 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's  has hidden visibility.  They should all have public visibility.   N5adobe23poly_copyable_interfaceE, N5adobe14implementation13poly_instanceINS_23poly_placeable_instanceIPN10dvaadameve21UI_EveComboBoxAdapterEEEEE, N5adobe32poly_placeable_twopass_interfaceE.
2/4/15 3:06:26.078 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's  has hidden visibility.  They should all have public visibility.   N5adobe23poly_copyable_interfaceE, N5adobe14implementation13poly_instanceINS_23poly_placeable_instanceIPN10dvaadameve28UI_DVAClientWidgetEveAdapterEEEEE, N5adobe32poly_placeable_twopass_interfaceE.
2/4/15 3:06:26.098 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's  has hidden visibility.  They should all have public visibility.   N5adobe23poly_copyable_interfaceE, N5adobe14implementation13poly_instanceINS_23poly_placeable_instanceIPN10dvaadameve16UI_EveRowAdapterEEEEE, N5adobe32poly_placeable_twopass_interfaceE.
2/4/15 3:07:47.580 PM WindowServer[133]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Dreamweaver" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
2/4/15 3:07:47.762 PM WindowServer[133]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Dreamweaver" after 1.18 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
2/4/15 3:08:30.772 PM Mail[454]: Stream 0x60000010f9c0 is sending an event before being opened
2/4/15 3:13:14.399 PM Mail[454]: Stream 0x6180001119d0 is sending an event before being opened
2/4/15 3:13:57.029 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 1: Both of the following type_info's should have public visibility.  At least one of them is hidden. N5dvaui2ui8MessageTIKNS0_7UI_NodeEEE, N5dvaui8controls23UI_PictureSupplyMessageE.
2/4/15 3:18:12.866 PM firefox[607]: dnssd_clientstub handle_query_response: error reading result from daemon
2/4/15 3:18:14.384 PM Mail[454]: Stream 0x6180001152a0 is sending an event before being opened
2/4/15 3:18:25.768 PM com.apple.SecurityServer[56]: Session 100008 created
2/4/15 3:21:21.360 PM Dreamweaver[449]: dynamic_cast error 1: Both of the following type_info's should have public visibility.  At least one of them is hidden. N5dvaui2ui8MessageTIKNS0_7UI_NodeEEE, N5dvaui8controls23UI_PictureSupplyMessageE.
2/4/15 3:22:55.023 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
2/4/15 3:23:20.808 PM CalendarAgent[367]: Stream 0x7f8fcb639b20 is sending an event before being opened
2/4/15 3:23:25.808 PM Mail[454]: Stream 0x610000110080 is sending an event before being opened
2/4/15 3:24:12.061 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.quicklook[665]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in(): com.apple.quicklook
2/4/15 3:24:29.413 PM Mail[454]: unlockFocus called too many times. Called on <NSSegmentedControl: 0x61800019a8f0>.
2/4/15 3:24:59.928 PM Mail[454]: Stream 0x610000110860 is sending an event before being opened
2/4/15 3:25:01.713 PM Mail[454]: Stream 0x608000112ab0 is sending an event before being opened
2/4/15 3:25:02.087 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessageNumberOfAttachments"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:25:02.087 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessagePriorityLevel"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:25:31.175 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessageNumberOfAttachments"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:25:31.175 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessagePriorityLevel"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:26:01.130 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessageNumberOfAttachments"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:26:01.130 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessagePriorityLevel"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:26:31.175 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessageNumberOfAttachments"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:26:31.175 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessagePriorityLevel"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:27:01.134 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessageNumberOfAttachments"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:27:01.134 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessagePriorityLevel"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:27:31.317 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessageNumberOfAttachments"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:27:31.318 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessagePriorityLevel"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:28:01.224 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessageNumberOfAttachments"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:28:01.224 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessagePriorityLevel"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:28:31.198 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessageNumberOfAttachments"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:28:31.198 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessagePriorityLevel"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:29:01.183 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessageNumberOfAttachments"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:29:01.183 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessagePriorityLevel"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:29:20.096 PM soagent[440]: Can't allocate SOHelper <SOMessageHelper: 0x7fd3894788e0> inside com.apple.soagent
2/4/15 3:29:31.319 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessageNumberOfAttachments"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:29:31.319 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessagePriorityLevel"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:29:33.790 PM soagent[440]: Can't allocate SOHelper <SOMessageHelper: 0x7fd389757c80> inside com.apple.soagent
2/4/15 3:29:38.493 PM identityservicesd[406]: ApplePushService: <APSConnection: 0x7f839a5367b0> Received message from apsd: <APSIncomingMessage: 0x7f839c90cf00> but it didn't match the enabled topics: (
) or opportunistic topics: (
2/4/15 3:29:48.767 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
2/4/15 3:29:48.787 PM com.apple.iCloudHelper[690]: objc[690]: Class FALogging is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCircle and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyNotification.framework/Versions/A/FamilyNotification. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
2/4/15 3:29:48.797 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
2/4/15 3:29:56.003 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
2/4/15 3:29:59.599 PM Mail[454]: [WEB BUNDLE] Could not execute script: MUIWebDocumentDisplayController_sharedInstance.formatDocument(); error:TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'e.getBoundingClientRect()')
2/4/15 3:30:17.583 PM Microsoft Lync[451]: Could not find image named 'div bar 333'.
2/4/15 3:30:17.707 PM Microsoft Alerts Daemon[696]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.2 instead of 10.10.2. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
Call location:
2/4/15 3:30:17.707 PM Microsoft Alerts Daemon[696]: 0   CarbonCore                          0x9334c7c7 ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 135
2/4/15 3:30:17.707 PM Microsoft Alerts Daemon[696]: 1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x9a88e130 _dispatch_client_callout + 50
2/4/15 3:30:17.707 PM Microsoft Alerts Daemon[696]: 2   libdispatch.dylib                   0x9a88e0b5 dispatch_once_f + 251
2/4/15 3:30:17.707 PM Microsoft Alerts Daemon[696]: 3   libdispatch.dylib                   0x9a88f0d8 dispatch_once + 31
2/4/15 3:30:17.707 PM Microsoft Alerts Daemon[696]: 4   CarbonCore                          0x932dee88 _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 1050
2/4/15 3:30:17.708 PM Microsoft Alerts Daemon[696]: 5   CarbonCore                          0x932dea39 Gestalt + 150
2/4/15 3:30:17.708 PM Microsoft Alerts Daemon[696]: 6   Microsoft Alerts Daemon             0x0003f363 Microsoft Alerts Daemon + 17251
2/4/15 3:30:31.119 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessageNumberOfAttachments"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:30:31.119 PM Mail[454]: Unexpected flag key "MessagePriorityLevel"in flagsBySettingValueForKey
2/4/15 3:31:10.729 PM LUTool[699]: objc[699]: Class XByteCountFormatter is implemented in both /Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymAppKitAdditions.framework/Versions/B/SymAppKitAdditions and /Library/Application Support/Symantec/LiveUpdate/LUTool. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
2/4/15 3:32:17.983 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.PubSub.Agent[712]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in(): com.apple.pubsub.ipc
2/4/15 3:32:17.983 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.PubSub.Agent[712]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in(): com.apple.pubsub.notification
2/4/15 3:32:41.570 PM Messages[617]: [Warning] Calling cachedImageData from thread other than main thread.
    0   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff986536fb -[IMPerson(IMRenderingUtilities) cachedImageData] + 99
    1   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff98652c4a -[Presentity customPicture] + 92
    2   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff986899a3 -[IMHandle(IMRenderingUtilities) monogramWithDiameter:style:blocking:] + 539
    3   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff98650362 -[TranscriptImageResourceProtocol requestResourceData:fromURL:] + 9964
    4   IMRenderingFoundation               0x00007fff9864db7b -[TranscriptImageResourceProtocol startLoading] + 140
    5   CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95f62304 ___ZN19URLConnectionLoader27_private_ScheduleOriginLoadEPK12NSURLRequestPK20_CFCachedURLResponse_block_invoke_2 + 61
    6   CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e7a37b ___ZNK19URLConnectionLoader25withExistingProtocolAsyncEU13block_pointerFvP11URLProtocolE_block_invoke + 25
    7   CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e7a33c _ZN19RunloopBlockContext13_invoke_blockEPKvPv + 72
    8   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff98112274 CFArrayApplyFunction + 68
    9   CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e7a1fd _ZN19RunloopBlockContext7performEv + 133
    10  CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e7a09e _ZN17MultiplexerSource7performEv + 282
    11  CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95e79ec0 _ZN17MultiplexerSource8_performEPv + 72
    12  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff98146681 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17
    13  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff9813880d __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 269
    14  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff98137e3f __CFRunLoopRun + 927
    15  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff98137858 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296
    16  CFNetwork                           0x00007fff95efec80 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 434
    17  Foundation                          0x00007fff990b390a __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    18  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff9c4fd268 _pthread_body + 131
    19  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff9c4fd1e5 _pthread_body + 0
    20  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff9c4fb41d thread_start + 13
2/4/15 3:33:14.554 PM Mail[454]: Stream 0x618000110d70 is sending an event before being opened
2/4/15 3:33:16.169 PM Mail[454]: Stream 0x600000312510 is sending an event before being opened
2/4/15 3:33:17.181 PM soagent[440]: Can't allocate SOHelper <SOMessageHelper: 0x7fd389496860> inside com.apple.soagent
2/4/15 3:33:24.942 PM identityservicesd[406]: ApplePushService: <APSConnection: 0x7f839a5367b0> Received message from apsd: <APSIncomingMessage: 0x7f839ca18260> but it didn't match the enabled topics: (
) or opportunistic topics: (
2/4/15 3:33:47.935 PM identityservicesd[406]: ApplePushService: <APSConnection: 0x7f839a5367b0> Received message from apsd: <APSIncomingMessage: 0x7f839c84e980> but it didn't match the enabled topics: (
) or opportunistic topics: (
2/4/15 3:33:57.379 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
2/4/15 3:34:25.550 PM soagent[440]: Can't allocate SOHelper <SOMessageHelper: 0x7fd38957e740> inside com.apple.soagent
2/4/15 3:34:30.635 PM soagent[440]: Can't allocate SOHelper <SOMessageHelper: 0x7fd3895607c0> inside com.apple.soagent
2/4/15 3:35:23.321 PM Mail[454]: Stream 0x60800010a710 is sending an event before being opened
2/4/15 3:35:39.686 PM Mail[454]: *** WARNING: Method userSpaceScaleFactor in class NSWindow is deprecated on 10.7 and later. It should not be used in new applications. Use convertRectToBacking: instead. 
posta SBB 04.02.2015 - 22:55

2 risposte


Non sono sicuro di ciò che sta causando l'arresto anomalo, ma ci sono certamente alcuni file di cache che impediscono il riavvio.

Prima di tutto, ho intenzione di indovinare che sta salvando il suo stato di applicazione (parte della funzione Resume di OS X Lion). Per disabilitarlo, segui le istruzioni su questo link .

Inoltre, potrebbe essere necessario cancellare un plist o due nella libreria utente. Ecco le istruzioni su come individuare e rimuovere i file delle preferenze di Dreamweaver (plists) che molto probabilmente causano il crash.

risposta data 11.02.2015 - 08:40
cd /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin && sudo mv envvars _envvars 

Funziona per me!

risposta data 15.03.2015 - 07:00

Leggi altre domande sui tag