Come posso collegare un disco al mirror zpool ZFS esistente con Ubuntu e ZEVO?


È possibile collegare un terzo hdd a un mirror già creato composto da due hdd con ZEVO?


Eseguo una macchina virtuale Ubuntu con supporto ZFS nativo. Quando allego il terzo hdd funziona perfettamente.

OS X Lion

Quando importerò il pool su Lion, ZEVO sostiene che manca un pool anche se è lì e viene recuperato al momento.

Su Ubuntu:

$ zpool status Toshiba_ZFS

pool: Toshiba_ZFS
state: ONLINE
status: One or more devices is currently being resilvered.  The pool will
continue to function, possibly in a degraded state.
action: Wait for the resilver to complete.
scan: resilver in progress since Sun Aug 19 15:03:18 2012
12.1G scanned out of 598G at 14.4M/s, 11h33m to go
929M resilvered, 2.02% done


Toshiba_ZFS  ONLINE       0     0     0
  mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
    sdd     ONLINE       0     0     0
    sdc     ONLINE       0     0     0
    sdb5    ONLINE       0     0     5  (resilvering)

Su Mac OS X (Lion):

$ zpool status Toshiba_ZFS

pool: Toshiba_ZFS
status: One or more devices is currently being resilvered.  The pool will
continue to function, possibly in a degraded state.
action: Wait for the resilver to complete.
scan: resilver in progress since Sun Aug 19 15:03:18 2012
1,52Gi scanned out of 598Gi at 24,0Mi/s, 7h4m to go
242Mi resilvered, 0,25% done

NAME                                           STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
Toshiba_ZFS                                    DEGRADED     0     0     0
  mirror-0                                     DEGRADED     0     0     0
    GPTE_1C3475D8-AB6F-3547-AE5D-571C2389DCC7  ONLINE       0     0     0  at disk3s1
    GPTE_11059782-DA42-654B-8577-431C1B80814C  ONLINE       0     0     0  at disk5s1
    16494388674814556229                       UNAVAIL      0     0     0  was /dev/sdb5

Per qualche motivo ZEVO memorizza i pool in / dev / dsk / ma dal momento che il mio terzo hdd non è ancora un pool e sarà collegato al pool di mirror zfs esistente, non verrà riconosciuto

$diskutil info disk2s5

Device Identifier:        disk2s5
Device Node:              /dev/disk2s5
Part of Whole:            disk2
Device / Media Name:      tank

Volume Name:              Not applicable (no file system)

Mounted:                  Not applicable (no file system)

File System:              None

OS Can Be Installed:      No
Media Type:               Generic
Protocol:                 USB
SMART Status:             Not Supported

Total Size:               751.6 GB (751591690240 Bytes) (exactly 1467952520 512-Byte-Blocks)
Volume Free Space:        Not applicable (no file system)
Device Block Size:        512 Bytes

Read-Only Media:          No
Read-Only Volume:         Not applicable (no file system)
Ejectable:                Yes

Whole:                    No
Internal:                 No[/code]

$ zpool attach Toshiba_ZFS disk3s1 disk2s5
cannot open 'disk2s5': no such device in /dev/dsk
must be a full path or shorthand device name

Come posso collegare un altro disco con ZEVO?

EDIT : ecco alcune informazioni di registro dall'applicazione Console:

20.08.12 09:52:01,000 kernel: ZFSLabelScheme:start: 0xffffff801160e700 created proxy         disk for pool 'Toshiba_ZFS'
20.08.12 09:52:01,000 kernel: ZFSLabelScheme:start: 'Toshiba_ZFS' critical mass with 1     vdev(s) (skip import)
20.08.12 09:52:01,000 kernel: ZFSLabelScheme:probe: label 'Toshiba_ZFS', vdev     8248481474682216015
20.08.12 09:52:01,000 kernel: zfsx_vdm_open: couldn't find vdevMedia for 'sde5'
20.08.12 09:52:01,000 kernel: ldi_open_by_name: Toshiba_ZFS /dev/sde5 error 2, flag 3
20.08.12 09:52:01,000 kernel: zfsx_vdm_open: 'Toshiba_ZFS' disk3s1
20.08.12 09:52:01,000 kernel: zfsx_vdm_open: 'Toshiba_ZFS' disk5s1
20.08.12 09:52:02,000 kernel: zfsx_vdm_open: couldn't find vdevMedia for 'sde5'
20.08.12 09:52:02,000 kernel: ldi_open_by_name: Toshiba_ZFS /dev/sde5 error 2, flag 3
20.08.12 09:52:02,000 kernel: zfsx_mount: '/Volumes/Toshiba_ZFS'
20.08.12 09:52:07,235 com.tenscomplement.zfs.delegate: taking GPTE_11059782-DA42-654B-    8577-431C1B80814C online in pool 'Toshiba_ZFS'
20.08.12 09:52:17,239 com.tenscomplement.zfs.delegate: post mount fsgetpath: err 2, using "/.vol/234881038/2" instead
20.08.12 09:52:17,239 com.tenscomplement.zfs.delegate: post mount processing "/.vol/234881038/2"

E la tabella delle partizioni parted:

$ sudo parted /dev/sdb
GNU Parted 2.3
Using /dev/sdb
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) p                                                                
Model: External RAID (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdb: 1000GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt

Number  Start   End     Size    File system  Name                  Flags
 1      20.5kB  210MB   210MB   fat32        EFI System Partition  boot
 2      210MB   58.6GB  58.3GB               Macintosh HD
 3      58.7GB  59.3GB  650MB   hfs+         Recovery HD
 4      59.3GB  248GB   189GB   hfs+         Backups
 5      248GB   1000GB  752GB   zfs          Apple_HFS_Untitled_4
posta tristank 19.08.2012 - 16:23

2 risposte


Trovato una soluzione alternativa. Dovrai replicare la tabella delle partizioni del dispositivo zpool corrente sul dispositivo che vuoi collegare e poi randomizzare i GUID univoci delle partizioni (dovrebbero essere due). Quindi aggiungi il dispositivo al mirror zpool e formatta lo spazio su disco non allocato su HFS + o qualsiasi altra cosa desideri. Tutto questo accade in Linux con gdisk e parted ma verrà riconosciuto correttamente dalla porta ZVos ZFS di Mac OS X.

$ zpool status Toshiba_ZFS
NAME                                           STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
Toshiba_ZFS                                    ONLINE      0     0     0
  mirror-0                                     ONLINE      0     0     0
    GPTE_1C3475D8-AB6F-3547-AE5D-571C2389DCC7  ONLINE      0     0     0  at disk4s1
    GPTE_11059782-DA42-654B-8577-431C1B80814C  ONLINE      0     0     0  at disk3s1
    GPTE_79E12ED8-31EE-384C-B115-2759039256C0  ONLINE      0     0     0  at disk2s1

$ diskutil list 
#:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *1.0 TB     disk2
1:                        ZFS                         750.1 GB   disk2s1
2: 6A945A3B-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631               8.4 MB     disk2s2
3:          Apple_CoreStorage                         60.5 GB    disk2s3
4:                 Apple_Boot Recovery HD             650.0 MB   disk2s4
5:                        EFI                         209.7 MB   disk2s5
6:                  Apple_HFS Backups                 188.4 GB   disk2s6

$ gdisk /dev/disk2
GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.2

Partition table scan:
MBR: protective
BSD: not present
APM: not present
GPT: present

Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT.

Command (? for help): p
Disk /dev/disk2: 1953525168 sectors, 931.5 GiB
Logical sector size: 512 bytes
Disk identifier (GUID): B51307F7-D090-E64A-ADDF-800BFE2EA9AB
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 1953525134
Partitions will be aligned on 32-sector boundaries
Total free space is 526309 sectors (257.0 MiB)

Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
1            2048      1465131007   698.6 GiB   BF01  zfs
2      1465131008      1465147391   8.0 MiB     BF07  
3      1465147392      1583354079   56.4 GiB    AF05  Macintosh_HD
4      1583616224      1584885759   619.9 MiB   AB00  Recovery HD
5      1584885760      1585295359   200.0 MiB   EF00  EFI System Partition
6      1585295360      1953262983   175.5 GiB   AF00  
risposta data 23.08.2012 - 08:48

… For some reason zevo stores the pools in /dev/dsk/

Nella nuova base di conoscenze ZEVO (2012-09-14), Nomi dei dispositivi disco fornisce la spiegazione.

Una spiegazione comparabile è stata pubblicata quando il complemento di Ten ha venduto ZEVO.

How can I attach a disk to existing zfs zpool mirror with Zevo?

… Ubuntu … When I attach the third hdd it works flawlessly but when I import the pool to Lion …

Nella knowledge base Creare pool ZFS offre tre esempi relativi ai mirror .

Dalle prospettive di ZEVO e OS X, è quasi certamente meglio iniziare le routine relative a ZFS con ZEVO piuttosto che con Ubuntu. Citando dalla Guida rapida per ZEVO Community Edition 1.1:

… ZEVO uses the standard ZFS on-disk format (v28) and is therefore binary compatible with ZFS on other platforms. However, direct interchange with other platforms is not supported in this version. ….

Una nota comparabile è stata pubblicata quando il complemento di Ten ha venduto ZEVO.

Punti di partenza

link link alla knowledge base, al forum di supporto e altro ancora.

risposta data 23.09.2012 - 06:14

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