Ho due Mac. Il codice AppleScript di seguito viene eseguito su un Mac ("Mac 1"), ma non sull'altro ("Mac 2"). Mac 1 esegue Snow Leopard, in cui Mac 2 è stato aggiornato a Yosemite e AppleScript below non viene più eseguito.
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set NewMail to make new outgoing message with properties{content:"Hello Ashlie, <br><br>I hope you are having a wonderful day. I wanted to send a quick note to thank you for signing up on our real estate website. I'm confident I know of or can easily find a property fitting your criteria. Are you looking to buy a home in San Diego?", subject:"A quick note to thank you"}
make new to recipient at NewMail with properties{email address:{address:"[email protected]"}}
open NewMail
activate NewMail
end tell