I contatti non sono più aperti in macOS Sierra


Contatti su macOS Sierra non si apre più. Ottengo il seguente errore:

Se provo ad avviare i contatti dal terminale, ottengo i seguenti errori:

$ /Applications/Contacts.app/Contents/MacOS/Contacts 
CoreData: warning: dynamic accessors failed to find @property implementation for 'uniqueId' for entity ABCDInfo while resolving selector 'uniqueId' on class 'ABCDInfo'.  Did you remember to declare it @dynamic or @synthesized in the @implementation ?
CoreData: warning: dynamic accessors failed to find @property implementation for 'uniqueId' for entity ABCDGroup while resolving selector 'uniqueId' on class 'ABCDGroup'.  Did you remember to declare it @dynamic or @synthesized in the @implementation ?
CoreData: warning: dynamic accessors failed to find @property implementation for 'serialNumber' for entity ABCDAddressBookSource while resolving selector 'serialNumber' on class 'ABCDAddressBookSource'.  Did you remember to declare it @dynamic or @synthesized in the @implementation ?
CoreData: warning: dynamic accessors failed to find @property implementation for 'uniqueId' for entity ABCDAddressBookSource while resolving selector 'uniqueId' on class 'ABCDAddressBookSource'.  Did you remember to declare it @dynamic or @synthesized in the @implementation ?
CoreData: warning: dynamic accessors failed to find @property implementation for 'uniqueId' for entity ABCDContact while resolving selector 'uniqueId' on class 'ABCDContact'.  Did you remember to declare it @dynamic or @synthesized in the @implementation ?
CoreData: warning: dynamic accessors failed to find @property implementation for 'imageReference' for entity ABCDContact while resolving selector 'imageReference' on class 'ABCDContact'.  Did you remember to declare it @dynamic or @synthesized in the @implementation ?

Qualcuno ha visto questo prima? Qualche idea su come posso risolvere questo problema?

posta Matteo 03.02.2017 - 11:51

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