Fare clic su un pulsante nella finestra di dialogo usando AppleScript su Microsoft Excel


Quando apro il file .ods in microsoft excel mi piacerebbe nella finestra di dialogo "Alert" fare clic su "Sì" con lo script apple.


settheWorkbookFiletochoosefilewithprompt"Please select an Excel workbook file:"
set theWorkbookName to name of (info for theWorkbookFile)
tell application "Microsoft Excel"

    open theWorkbookFile
    delay 3
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "Microsoft Excel"
        click button "Tak" of dialog of application process "Microsoft Excel"
    end tell
    set theWorkbook to workbook theWorkbookName

end tell

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posta Grzegorz 27.11.2017 - 23:30

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