Come ottenere inode dal file alias?


In questo alias del forum MacWorld è descritto come

Aliases can reference an object in the file system either by a persistent ID or by path. Generally they will contain both pieces of information.

C'è un modo per accedere all'ID persistente che un alias punta con AppleScript o bash?

posta jonathan 13.04.2013 - 06:43

1 risposta



set aliasPath to "Mac OS X:Users:John:Desktop:test.txt alias"

tell application "Finder"
    set myalias to file aliasPath
    set myFile to original item of myalias
end tell

set filePath to myFile as text
set inode to first word of (do shell script "ls -i " & quoted form of (POSIX path of filePath))
risposta data 13.04.2013 - 17:21

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