Script shell: sposta le cartelle + conserva la struttura


Il mio obiettivo

Organizzo i miei progetti in cartelle. Queste cartelle vivono tutte nella mia cartella Completed projects . Sto iniziando a archiviarli in una cartella Archived Projects e voglio archiviarli in sottocartelle dal client. Io uso sempre il nome del cliente nel nome della cartella del progetto. Ad esempio, ho cartelle di progetto denominate Appeal [May 2014] - Development e Identity Package [2014] - Communications . (I miei clienti interni sono nomi di dipartimento: Academics, Communications, Development ...) Ecco come voglio che vengano archiviati:

Archived Projects >> Development >> Appeal [May 2014] - Development
Archived Projects >> Communications >> Identity Package [2014] - Communications

Ogni cartella di progetto ha anche un set unico di sottocartelle. Voglio preservare quella struttura.

Il mio approccio

Ho selezionato un cliente alla volta, utilizzando questo script:

# Go to the Completed Projects folder.

cd /Volumes/communications/Projects/Completed\ Projects/

# Find a folder with a specified string (e.g. "Academics") in its name.
# Move (not copy) the folder to its corresponding sub-folder of the Archived Projects folder. (e.g. /Academics)

find . -type d | while read folder ; do
if [[ "$folder" = *Academics* ]]; then
    echo "Moving $folder";
    mv "$folder" /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived\ Projects/Academics/;

Ho chiamato lo script come navigando, nel Terminale, nella directory con i miei script digitando cd ~/Dropbox/scripts./

Il mio problema

Il modello di corrispondenza rudimentale funziona, ma mv genera un errore:

mv: rename /Appeal [May 2014] - Development/SUB1/SUB2 to
/dest/Archived Projects/Development/SUB2: No such file or directory.

Chiaramente gli sto dando le istruzioni sbagliate. (Anche se, stranamente, questo script ha funzionato alcune volte .) SUB2 non appartiene affatto a /dest/Archived Projects/Development/ . SUB2 deve essere nidificato all'interno di SUB1, che deve essere annidato all'interno della cartella del progetto.

Le mie domande

Quale comando di shell sposterebbe una cartella e manterrebbe la sua struttura interna? E come potrebbe selezionare una cartella in base al nome del cliente?

Su richiesta, ecco l'intero output stampato sul terminale:

n$ ./ Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry -: No such file or directory Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Documentation Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Documentation/Contracts mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Documentation/Contracts to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/Contracts: No such file or directory Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Documentation/Correspondence mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Documentation/Correspondence to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/Correspondence: No such file or directory Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Documentation/Invoices mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Documentation/Invoices to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/Invoices: No such file or directory Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Documentation/Planning Documents mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Documentation/Planning Documents to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/Planning Documents: No such file or directory Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Documentation/Quotes mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Documentation/Quotes to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/Quotes: No such file or directory Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Drafts Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Drafts/[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Drafts/[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry: No such file or directory Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Drafts/[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry/Audio Files mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Drafts/[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry/Audio Files to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/Audio Files: No such file or directory Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Drafts/[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry/Fade Files mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Drafts/[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry/Fade Files to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/Fade Files: No such file or directory Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Drafts/[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry/Session File Backups mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Drafts/[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry/Session File Backups to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/Session File Backups: No such file or directory Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Final Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Source Files Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Source Files/Copy mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Source Files/Copy to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/Copy: No such file or directory Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Source Files/Design mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Source Files/Design to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/Design: No such file or directory Moving ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Source Files/RAW mv: rename ./[2013.04.05] - Audio - Academics - Course - Stephanie Hubach - Disability Ministry - /Source Files/RAW to /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived Projects/Academics/RAW: No such file or directory

posta Crowder 22.05.2014 - 00:59

1 risposta


Supponendo che tutte le cartelle da archiviare siano direttamente in .../Completed Projects , l'uso di find (che attraversa l'intera gerarchia di cartelle) potrebbe effettivamente fare più male che bene.

Una versione rivista potrebbe apparire come


# Go to the Completed Projects folder.
cd /Volumes/communications/Projects/Completed\ Projects/

# Find a folder with a specified string (e.g. "Academics") in its name.
# Move (not copy) the folder to its corresponding sub-folder of the Archived Projects folder. (e.g. /Academics)

for folder in *; do
    if [[ -d "$folder" ]]; then
        echo "Moving $folder";
        if [[ "$folder" == *Academics* ]]; then
            mv "$folder" /Volumes/communications/Projects/Archived\ Projects/Academics/
risposta data 22.05.2014 - 08:50

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