Nuovo MacBook Pro retina fallire Memtest


Ho un nuovo MacBook Pro Retina (8 GB, SSD da 256 GB), che ha riscontrato alcuni problemi nelle ultime settimane.

Ho deciso di eseguire memtest dopo una completa reinstallazione di OS X.

Ecco il registro:

Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tony Scaminaci (Macintosh port)
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 only

NOTE: No command-line arguments have been specified
Using defaults: Test all available memory, one test pass, no logfile

Mac OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) running in multiuser mode
Memory Page Size: 4096
System has 4 Intel core(s) with SSE
Requested memory: 5943MB (6232047616 bytes)
Available memory: 5943MB (6232047616 bytes)
Allocated memory: 5943MB (6232047616 bytes) at local address 0x0000000101000000
Attempting memory lock... locked successfully
Partitioning memory into 2 comparison buffers...
Buffer A: 2971MB (3116023808 bytes) starts at local address 0x0000000101000000
Buffer B: 2971MB (3116023808 bytes) starts at local address 0x00000001babac000

Running 1 test sequence... (CTRL-C to quit)

Test sequence 1 of 1:

Running tests on full 5943MB region...
  Stuck Address       : ok              
  Linear PRN          : ok              
Running comparison tests using 2971MB buffers...
  Random Value        : ok 
  Compare XOR         : ok 
  Compare SUB         : ok 
  Compare MUL         : ok 
  Compare DIV         : ok 
  Compare OR          : ok 
  Compare AND         : ok 
  Sequential Increment: ok 
  Solid Bits          : ok              
  Block Sequential    : ok                 
  Checkerboard        : testing 19 of 64

FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000001a144b978, BUFB address 0x000000025aff7978
BUFA Data: 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaae, BUFB Data: 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  Bit Spread          : testing   1 of 128

FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000001a42e09f8, BUFB address 0x000000025de8c9f8
BUFA Data: 0xfffffffffffffffe, BUFB Data: 0xfffffffffffffffa

  Bit Flip            : testing   3 of 512

FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000001a0d4f978, BUFB address 0x000000025a8fb978
BUFA Data: 0x0000000000000005, BUFB Data: 0x0000000000000001

  Walking Ones        : testing   3 of 128

FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000001a18c1978, BUFB address 0x000000025b46d978
BUFA Data: 0xffffffffffffffff, BUFB Data: 0xfffffffffffffffb

  Walking Zeroes      : testing   4 of 128

FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000001a21bd978, BUFB address 0x000000025bd69978
BUFA Data: 0x000000000000000c, BUFB Data: 0x0000000000000008

*** Memory Test Failed ***  Please check transcript for details.
Execution time: 512 seconds.

I ragazzi di Apple Store sono sicuri che non ci siano problemi con la RAM.

Allora perché Memtest sta fallendo? È normale?

posta enguerranws 21.10.2014 - 15:14

1 risposta


Come hai detto nei commenti:

  • Memtest non funziona
  • Apple Hardware Test indica un possibile errore di memoria

Questo è chiaramente un cattivo indicatore per la tua memoria.

Il fatto che un rivenditore premium non stia prendendo il tuo MacBook Pro per motivi oscuri potrebbe farmi chiamare un enorme toro ** t.

Devono prendere se è difettoso!

risposta data 22.10.2014 - 10:53

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