Come limitare la frequenza della CPU in OS X?


Il kernel OS X controlla questo direttamente poiché sotto il 5% la mia CPU viene bloccata a 1.2GHz invece del normale 3.7GHz quindi ci deve essere un modo per controllare la velocità della CPU.

Sono a conoscenza di questa domanda ( Limita la velocità del processore come in Windows ) che dichiarava impossibile, ma dopo aver notato che OS X controlla la velocità della cpu direttamente in base alla potenza della batteria, trovo difficile credere che sia impossibile.

Quindi c'è una chiamata kext e / o kernel nascosta per controllare la velocità della CPU? Inoltrarmi alla documentazione del kernel così posso scrivere anche la mia app è un'opzione.

posta Wolph 14.05.2014 - 00:04

1 risposta


L'ho trovato per il tuo piacere di leggere:

Mavericks: Native CPU / IGPU Power Management

Native Mavericks power management delivers the best combination of processor and graphics performance and efficiency. The ingredients are an installed processor specific power management ssdt, a compatible system definition and the native power management kext. Native Mavericks power management does not require specific BIOS settings or anything more than one boot setting to load the power management ssdt. Credit for the technique described to PikeRAlpha.

What changed between Mountain Lion and Mavericks power management? The existing processor frequency/power state reporting tools (i.e., MSRDumper, HWMonitor) stopped reporting power states between idle and max non turbo. This led to an incorrect conclusion that native Mavericks power management was not working. A new tool, Intel Power Gadget, shows Mavericks power management is working as designed.

To be clear, native Mavericks power management is not mandatory. The consequences are not severe. Performance is similar, however, higher temps (~10 C), more power (5-10 W) and sleep problems are likely.

Change Log

v1.1 - 4/4/14 - CPU PM/Core i3/5/7 xxx (1st Generation)/Core 2 and earlier (below) v1.0 - 4/2/14: Initial Release


OS X/10.9.2 or newer
    Desktop/Laptop only
    Server, see Guide: Asus X79 OS X Controlled SpeedStep

Stock Clock
    OC, use ./ -f freq flag

Supported CPU/IGPU

Haswell/HD4600+ (Core i3/5/7 4xxx, 4th Generation)
Ivy Bridge/HD4000 (Core i3/5/7 3xxx, 3rd Generation)
Sandy Bridge/HD3000 (Core i3/5/7 2xxx, 2nd Generation)

Native Mavericks Power Management Recipe

System Definition - match processor generation/desktop or laptop
ssdt - custom to installed processor
kext - native IOPlatformPlugin.kext

Not considered

Safe Mode boot (-x)
Discrete graphics
risposta data 14.05.2014 - 01:41

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