Importa video HEVC da iPhone 7 a Final Cut Pro


Il formato video in iPhone 7, il nuovo iOS 11, modificato in HEVC e non verrà visualizzato nel browser di Final Cut Pro. Impossibile trascinare da Foto a FCPX.

posta Ron G 11.10.2017 - 05:31

1 risposta


L'unica soluzione fino a che Apple rilasci la prossima versione di Final Cut Pro X è non sparare in HEVC, o convertire prima di passare a FCP.

If you haven’t yet shot video you need to edit with FCP, there’s an easy fix.

  • Go into the phone’s Settings and choose Camera. Then choose Formats. There you’ll find two options. By default, High Efficiency will be checked. You want to check Most Compatible.

If you have existing HEVC footage you need to edit in FCP, there’s a slightly less easy workaround.

  • Import the clip into the Photos app on your Mac. Then, once it’s fully imported (which could take a little while depending on how much video we’re talking about here), then just select the clip(s) you need and Export them from Photos. Photos will export them with a codec that Final Cut Pro X can read. So once the clip(s) is/are exported from Photos to whatever location you chose, then open Final Cut Pro and import the clip(s) you just exported from Photos.

Fonte: Non è ancora possibile modificare iOS 11 iPhone video in FCP X, correzione probabile in arrivo

risposta data 11.10.2017 - 08:39

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