HomePod offre app di terze parti?


Il sistema di altoparlanti Apple HomePod supporta funzionalità aggiuntive tramite app di terze parti? Ad esempio, sarò in grado di eseguire lo streaming di servizi come SomaFM tramite un'unità HomePod?

posta Basil Bourque 30.01.2018 - 02:25

2 risposte


In realtà la risposta alla tua domanda specifica è no. Apple supporterà alcuni domini (limitati) (Messaggi, Elenchi e Note). Lo streaming musicale non è uno di questi.

SiriKit on HomePod

With the intelligence of Siri, users control HomePod through natural voice interaction and can conveniently access iOS apps that support SiriKit Messaging, Lists, and Notes. Siri recognizes SiriKit requests made on HomePod and sends those requests to the user’s iOS device for processing. To prepare your app, make sure that your SiriKit integration is up to date and that you’ve adopted all of the appropriate intents.

Test the voice-only experience by using Siri through headphones connected to your iOS device with iOS 11.2 or later.


risposta data 11.02.2018 - 09:52

Does the Apple HomePod speaker system support additional functionality through third-party apps?

Sì. Secondo Apple , iOS 11.2 abilita la funzionalità di SiriKit per HomePod.

iOS 11.2 introduces SiriKit for HomePod, the powerful speaker that sounds amazing, adapts to wherever it’s playing, and provides instant access to Apple Music. HomePod is also a helpful home assistant for everyday questions and tasks. With the intelligence of Siri, users control HomePod through natural voice interaction. And with SiriKit, users can access iOS apps for Messaging, Lists, and Notes. Make sure your SiriKit integration is up to date and test your app’s voice-only experience today.

will I be able to stream services such as SomaFM through a HomePod unit?

Dipenderà se SomaFM implementa la funzione. Tuttavia, se puoi riprodurre SomaFM tramite Siri, dovresti essere in grado di eseguire lo streaming.

risposta data 30.01.2018 - 02:34

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