Come inserisco una riga in numeri, in una sola colonna


Come faccio a inserire una riga solo in una colonna. Spostando i dati attuali verso il basso e inserendo una riga sopra di esso. Non voglio inserire una riga sull'intero foglio di calcolo, solo quella colonna.

posta dancealisha 05.02.2015 - 22:51

2 risposte


Dalla guida Numbers:

Move rows and columns within a table Select one or more rows or columns.

Do any of the following:

Move rows: After selecting the rows, click and hold the row numbers until the rows appear to rise off the table, then drag them above or below another row.

Move columns: After selecting the columns, click and hold the column letters until the columns appear to rise off the table, then drag them to the right or left of another column.

Tip: If you drag rows or columns outside of an existing table, you create a new table with them.

Questo mi ha tormentato per anni e ho portato nei forum per trovare la risposta senza successo, finché non ho finalmente utilizzato la funzione di aiuto trovata in Numbers.

risposta data 21.04.2016 - 04:15

In Excel non è più intelligente, basta usare la copia e Inserisci e ti chiederà di spostare quella riga su o giù.

In Numbers ho trovato questa risposta qui .

Numbers and Excel are built on different frameworks in the sense that an Excel table/spreadsheet is virtually boundless and Numbers tables are finite and generally only as large as the data requires. Pushing some cells out of the way to make room for others has greater implications in Numbers, and it is left to the user to make room by moving the cells manually. I once counted mouse clicks to achieve the insertion in Numbers vs. Excel and the difference was small to none. Yes, Excel will move cells for you, but not until you tell it which way to move them. With Numbers you just do it yourself.

There's a nifty command pair in Numbers that helps with the job. It is +Mark for Move+ and Move.

Select the cells to be moved, Edit > Mark for Move, click to select the cell where you want the upper left cell of the range to move to and then Edit > Move.

risposta data 05.02.2015 - 23:09

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