Le continuazioni di prima classe sono utili nei moderni linguaggi di programmazione orientati agli oggetti?


Le continuazioni sono estremamente utili nei linguaggi di programmazione funzionale (ad esempio il Cont monad in Haskell) perché consentono una notazione semplice e regolare per codice in stile imperativo. Sono anche utili in alcune lingue imperative più vecchie perché possono essere utilizzate per implementare funzionalità linguistiche mancanti (ad esempio eccezioni, coroutine, fili verdi). Ma per un linguaggio moderno orientato agli oggetti con supporto integrato per queste funzionalità, quali argomenti ci sarebbero per aggiungere anche il supporto per le continuazioni di prima classe (se lo stile delimitato più moderno reset e shift o schema-like call-with-current-continuation )?

Ci sono argomenti contro che aggiungono supporto diverso dalle prestazioni e dalla complessità di implementazione?

posta Jules 11.04.2015 - 02:43

1 risposta


Lascia che Eric Lippert risponda a questo:

The obvious question at this point is: if CPS is so awesome then why don’t we use it all the time? Why have most professional developers never heard of it, or, those who have, think of it as something only those crazy Scheme programmers do?

First of all, it is simply hard for most people who are used to thinking about subroutines, loops, try-catch-finally and so on to reason about delegates being used for control flow in this way. I am reviewing my notes on CPS from CS442 right now and I see that in 1995 I wrote down a profQUOTE: “With continuations you have to sort of stand on your head and pull yourself inside out”. Professor Duggan (*) was absolutely correct in saying that. Recall from a couple days ago that our tiny little example of CPS transformation of the C# expression M(B()?C():D()) involved four lambdas. Not everyone is good at reading code that uses higher-order functions. It imposes a large cognitive burden.

Moreover: one of the nice things about having specific control flow statements baked in to a language is that they let your code clearly express the meaning of the control flow while hiding the mechanisms – the call stacks and return addresses and exception handler lists and protected regions and so on. Continuations make the mechanisms of control flow explicit in the structure of the code. All that emphasis on mechanism can overwhelm the meaning of the code.

In il prossimo articolo , spiega come l'asincronia e le continuazioni siano esattamente equivalenti l'una all'altra, e fa una dimostrazione di prendere una semplice, (ma bloccante) operazione di rete sincrona e riscriverla in uno stile asincrono, assicurandosi che per coprire tutti i trucchi nascosti che devono essere coperti al fine di farlo bene. Si trasforma in un pasticcio di codice massiccio . Il suo riassunto alla fine:

Holy goodness, what a godawful mess we’ve made. We've expanded two lines of perfectly clear code into two dozen lines of the most godawful spaghetti you've ever seen. And of course it still doesn’t even compile because the labels aren’t in scope and we have a definite assignment error. We;d still need to further rewrite the code to fix those problems.

Remember what I was saying about the pros and cons of CPS?

  • PRO: Arbitrarily complex and interesting control flows can be built out of simple parts – check.
  • CON: The reification of control flow via continuations is hard to read and hard to reason about – check.
  • CON: The code that represents the mechanisms of control flow completely overwhelms the meaning of the code – check.
  • CON: The transformation of ordinary code control flow into CPS is the kind of thing that compilers are good at, and almost no one else is – check.

This is not some intellectual exercise. Real people end up writing code morally equivalent to the above all the time when they deal with asynchrony. And, ironically, even as processors have gotten faster and cheaper, we spend more and more of our time waiting for stuff that isn’t processor-bound. In many programs, much of the time spent is with the processor pegged to zero waiting for network packets to make the trip from England to Japan and back again, or for disks to spin, or whatever.

And I haven't even talked about what happens if you want to compose asynchronous operations further. Suppose you want to make ArchiveDocuments an asynchronous operation that takes a delegate. Now all the code that calls it has to be written in CPS as well. The taint just spreads.

Getting asynchronous logic right is important, it’s only going to be more important in the future, and the tools we have given you make you “stand on your head and turn yourself inside out” as Professor Duggan wisely said.

Continuation passing style is powerful, yes, but there's got to be a better way of making good use of that power than the code above.

Entrambi gli articoli e le seguenti serie su una nuova funzione in linguaggio C # che muove tutto questo pasticcio nel compilatore e ti consente di scrivere il tuo codice come normale flusso di controllo con una parola chiave speciale per contrassegnare certe parti asincrone, vale la pena leggerlo anche se non sei uno sviluppatore C #. Non lo sono, ma è stata comunque un'esperienza illuminante quando l'ho incontrato per la prima volta.

risposta data 11.04.2015 - 03:26

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