Guida completa sulla configurazione di NIS / NFS su OS X 10.7?


Sto cercando di configurare OS X 10.7 Lion per funzionare come un client NIS / NFS ma senza troppi risultati fino ad ora.

Configurazione esistente che funziona su Ubuntu

cat /etc/yp.conf
domain server

cat /etc/auto.master 
/usr/groups yp:auto.groups --timeout=3600
/home yp:auto.home --timeout=3600
/nistest yp:auto.misc --timeout=3600
/misc yp:auto.misc --timeout=3600


Configurazione su OS X (che non funziona ancora)

Ho provato ad aggiungere il dominio NIS usando System Preferences > Users & Groups > Unlock > Login Options > Join... > Open Directory Utility... (sì, Apple ha fatto un ottimo lavoro per rendere il più difficile possibile l'accesso).

Modifica il NIS record e aggiungi il dominio NIS (non uguale al dominio DNS) e l'indirizzo IP di questo dominio NIS e ovviamente controlla Use NIS for authentication .

Ho riavviato, ma questo non ha aiutato. Tuttavia, interessante sulla schermata di accesso c'era un suggerimento che diceva che l'accesso alla rete non è disponibile.

Ho effettuato l'accesso con un account amministratore, disconnesso ma la situazione non è cambiata.



cat /var/log/opendirectory.log

2012-06-27 10:46:50.575 BST - opendirectoryd (build 172.13) launched...
2012-06-27 10:46:50.577 BST - Logging level limit changed to 'error'
2012-06-27 10:46:50.600 BST - Initialize trigger support
2012-06-27 10:46:50.610 BST - Registered node with name '/Active Directory' as hidden
2012-06-27 10:46:50.611 BST - Registered node with name '/Configure' as hidden
2012-06-27 10:46:50.612 BST - Discovered configuration for node name '/Contacts' at path '/Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations//Contacts.plist'
2012-06-27 10:46:50.612 BST - Registered node with name '/Contacts'
2012-06-27 10:46:50.614 BST - Registered node with name '/LDAPv3' as hidden
2012-06-27 10:46:50.617 BST - Registered node with name '/Local' as hidden
2012-06-27 10:46:50.619 BST - Registered node with name '/NIS' as hidden
2012-06-27 10:46:50.620 BST - Discovered configuration for node name '/Search' at path '/Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations//Search.plist'
2012-06-27 10:46:50.620 BST - Registered node with name '/Search'
2012-06-27 10:46:50.626 BST - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/legacy.bundle'
2012-06-27 10:46:50.632 BST - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/search.bundle'
2012-06-27 10:46:51.636 BST - '/Search' has registered, loading additional services
2012-06-27 10:46:51.636 BST - Initialize augmentation support
2012-06-27 10:46:51.642 BST - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/SystemCache.bundle'
2012-06-27 10:46:51.647 BST - Successfully registered for Kernel identity service requests
2012-06-27 10:46:51.653 BST - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/PlistFile.bundle'
2012-06-27 10:46:51.656 BST - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/FDESupport.bundle'
2012-06-27 10:46:51.707 BST - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/ConfigurationProfiles.bundle'
2012-06-27 10:46:51.708 BST - Registered subnode with name '/Local/Default'
2012-06-27 10:46:51.712 BST - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/nis.bundle'
2012-06-27 10:46:51.713 BST - Registered subnode with name '/NIS/'
2012-06-27 10:47:21.743 BST - 239.839.841.843 - Client: automount, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
2012-06-27 10:47:21.743 BST - 239.839.841.843, Node: /NIS/, Module: nis - could not determine map for rectype 'mounts' attribute 'byname'
2012-06-27 11:10:30.994 BST - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/configure.bundle'
2012-06-27 11:10:30.996 BST - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/keychain.bundle'
2012-06-27 11:10:31.010 BST - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/ldap.bundle'
2012-06-27 11:10:31.017 BST - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/ActiveDirectory.bundle'
2012-06-27 11:11:06.745 BST - 1801.3397 - Client: Directory Utili, UID: 501, EUID: 501, GID: 20, EGID: 20
2012-06-27 11:11:06.745 BST - 1801.3397, Node: /NIS/, Module: nis - could not determine map for rectype 'mounts' attribute 'byname'
2012-06-27 11:15:42.254 BST - 1801.4096 - Client: Directory Utili, UID: 501, EUID: 501, GID: 20, EGID: 20
2012-06-27 11:15:42.254 BST - 1801.4096, Node: /NIS/, Module: nis - could not determine map for rectype 'mounts' attribute 'byname'

posta sorin 27.06.2012 - 12:19

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