Se elimino Clash of Clans su un iPad e lo scarico su un altro utilizzando lo stesso ID Apple, salverà i miei progressi?


Ho appena comprato un nuovo iPad e mi chiedo se posso spostare Clash of Clans dal vecchio al nuovo e salvare i progressi. Ho speso un bel po 'di soldi e non voglio perderlo.

posta Jake 01.06.2013 - 04:42

3 risposte


Estratto dalle Domande frequenti su Clash of Clans :

Can I continue my game on a new device?

Yes you can, but it requires the use of GameCenter. The only way to transfer your account to a new device is to have the original village linked to a Game Center account. Login to that Game Center account on your new device and you will prompted to load your previous village.

Questo post che richiede un accesso, contiene alcune utili istruzioni su come configurare il gioco su un nuovo dispositivo.

risposta data 26.07.2013 - 09:55

Non sembra possibile trasferire acquisti in-app tra dispositivi :


Subscriptions and replenishable In-App Purchase cannot be transferred or synced to another iOS device. Non-replenishable In-App Purchases and auto-renewing subscriptions can be transferred to another iOS device authorized with your iTunes Store account. For example, if you transfer a game from an iPhone to an iPod touch, only the game levels will sync over, the extra ammo and experience points will not be transferred.

Il download di in-app gratuitamente per il download dipende dall'app:

If you lose your In-App Purchases because apps were accidentally deleted, or if you had to restore your device without a backup, you may be able to download some of your in app purchases again for free. Not all In-App Purchases are eligible for free download again.

Replenishable In-App Purchases and subscriptions cannot be downloaded again for free, and must be repurchased. Examples include but are not limited to: extra ammo, additional health, extra experience points, or other one-time services. Non-replenishable In-App Purchases and auto-renewing subscriptions can be downloaded again for free. Examples include: bonus game levels, a map/city guide, a daily news subscription, or other recurring services. To download an In-App Purchase again, you must download it from within the installed app using the same iTunes Store account name for the original In-App Purchase.

risposta data 04.06.2013 - 16:59

Game center è il modo migliore per provarlo ok spero che questo aiuto

risposta data 04.06.2013 - 13:52

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