Perché il nuovo file creato al tocco ha la rotella GID?


Ho un account su macOS 10.13.2 (High Sierra) dove groups restituisce questo:

staff everyone localaccounts 

Tuttavia quando I touch un nuovo file vedo wheel , che non è nell'elenco, come GID:

$ touch /var/tmp/hello
$ ls -l /var/tmp/hello
-rw-r--r--  1 account  wheel  0 Dec 24 18:36 /var/tmp/hello

Cosa sta succedendo qui? (Se questo fosse, per dire, Debian mi sarei aspettato che il nuovo file fosse di proprietà di account:account invece di account:wheel ).

posta Drux 25.12.2017 - 08:49

1 risposta


/var/tmp ha il bit sticky impostato:

pse@Mithos:~$ ll -d /var/tmp
drwxrwxrwt  5 root  wheel  170 Dec 24 16:17 /var/tmp/

quindi qualsiasi file creato in esso eredita il gruppo della directory.

Da man sticky :

A directory whose 'sticky bit' is set becomes an append-only directory, or, more accurately, a directory in which the deletion of files is restricted. A file in a sticky directory may only be removed or renamed by a user if the user has write permission for the directory and the user is the owner of the file, the owner of the directory, or the super-user. This feature is usefully applied to directories such as /tmp which must be publicly writable but should deny users the license to arbitrarily delete or rename each others' files.

Any user may create a sticky directory. See chmod(1) for details about modifying file modes.

risposta data 25.12.2017 - 09:32

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