Come posso ripristinare il mio iphone?


Oggi ho provato ad aggiornare il mio iphone 3GS a iOS 5, ma l'aggiornamento non è riuscito a dire "si è verificato un errore sconosciuto". Ora il mio telefono si trova in uno stato strano in cui non è possibile accenderlo correttamente, si passa semplicemente a uno schermo con l'immagine di un cavo USB che punta a un logo di iTunes.

Lo collego ad iTunes e passo a questa triste sequenza di eventi:




2011-10-2003:54:17.989[3428:c84]:restorelibrarybuiltSep142011at01:30:072011-10-2003:54:17.989[3428:c84]:iTunes:iTunes10.5.0.1422011-10-2003:54:17.989[3428:c84]:iTunes:Softwarepayloadversion:9A3342011-10-2003:57:10.377[3428:ca8]:iTunes:SpecifyingUOIbootimage2011-10-2003:57:10.377[3428:ca8]:requestedrestorebehavior:Erase2011-10-2003:57:10.377[3428:ca8]:***UUIDF6CEBD39-04E6-F24D-BE04-F81322BED4FB***2011-10-2003:57:10.397[3428:ca8]:amai:AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject:debugobjectwritten:C:\DOCUME~1\wim\LOCALS~1\Temp\Per8.tmp\amai\debug\tss-request.plist2011-10-2003:57:11.258[3428:ca8]:amai:tss_submit_job:HttpQueryInforeturned2002011-10-2003:57:11.639[3428:ca8]:amai:AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync:receivedtssresponse(serverversion:2.0.0)2011-10-2003:57:11.689[3428:ca8]:amai:AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject:debugobjectwritten:C:\DOCUME~1\wim\LOCALS~1\Temp\Per8.tmp\amai\debug\tss-response.plist2011-10-2003:57:13.091[3428:ca8]:amai:_AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry:entry"KernelCache" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2011-10-20 03:57:13.091 [3428:ca8]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "DeviceTree" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2011-10-20 03:57:13.101 [3428:ca8]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "AppleLogo" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: iBoot build-version = iBoot-1072.61
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: iBoot build-style = RELEASE
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: command device request for 'getenv radio-error' failed: 2008
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: radio-error not set
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: <Recovery Mode Device 065B72A8>: production fused device
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: interface has 1 endpoints, file pipe = 1

2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: <Recovery Mode Device 065B72A8>: operation 4 progress -1
2011-10-20 03:57:13.371 [3428:af8]: bootstrapping restore with iBEC
2011-10-20 03:57:13.431 [3428:af8]: <Recovery Mode Device 065B72A8>: operation 31 progress -1
2011-10-20 03:57:14.443 [3428:af8]: <Recovery Mode Device 065B72A8>: Recovery mode succeeded
2011-10-20 03:57:14.773 [3428:c10]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceRemoval: \?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#b1499fd1
2011-10-20 03:57:14.773 [3428:c10]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x06598068, notify: 2, connected: 1
2011-10-20 03:57:14.773 [3428:c10]: AppleDevice::NotifyDisconnect: IBOOT, IBOOT \?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#b1499fd1, inst: 0x6598068
2011-10-20 03:57:14.773 [3428:c10]:                                IBOOT, DFU \?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}
2011-10-20 03:54:17.989 [3428:c84]: restore library built Sep 14 2011 at 01:30:07
2011-10-20 03:54:17.989 [3428:c84]: iTunes: iTunes
2011-10-20 03:54:17.989 [3428:c84]: iTunes: Software payload version: 9A334
2011-10-20 03:57:10.377 [3428:ca8]: iTunes: Specifying UOI boot image
2011-10-20 03:57:10.377 [3428:ca8]: requested restore behavior: Erase
2011-10-20 03:57:10.377 [3428:ca8]: *** UUID F6CEBD39-04E6-F24D-BE04-F81322BED4FB ***
2011-10-20 03:57:10.397 [3428:ca8]: amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: C:\DOCUME~1\wim\LOCALS~1\Temp\Per8.tmp\amai\debug\tss-request.plist
2011-10-20 03:57:11.258 [3428:ca8]: amai: tss_submit_job: HttpQueryInfo returned 200
2011-10-20 03:57:11.639 [3428:ca8]: amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: received tss response (server version: 2.0.0)
2011-10-20 03:57:11.689 [3428:ca8]: amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: C:\DOCUME~1\wim\LOCALS~1\Temp\Per8.tmp\amai\debug\tss-response.plist
2011-10-20 03:57:13.091 [3428:ca8]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "KernelCache" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2011-10-20 03:57:13.091 [3428:ca8]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "DeviceTree" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2011-10-20 03:57:13.101 [3428:ca8]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "AppleLogo" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: iBoot build-version = iBoot-1072.61
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: iBoot build-style = RELEASE
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: command device request for 'getenv radio-error' failed: 2008
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: radio-error not set
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: <Recovery Mode Device 065B72A8>: production fused device
2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: interface has 1 endpoints, file pipe = 1

2011-10-20 03:57:13.281 [3428:af8]: <Recovery Mode Device 065B72A8>: operation 4 progress -1
2011-10-20 03:57:13.371 [3428:af8]: bootstrapping restore with iBEC
2011-10-20 03:57:13.431 [3428:af8]: <Recovery Mode Device 065B72A8>: operation 31 progress -1
2011-10-20 03:57:14.443 [3428:af8]: <Recovery Mode Device 065B72A8>: Recovery mode succeeded
2011-10-20 03:57:14.773 [3428:c10]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceRemoval: \?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#b1499fd1
2011-10-20 03:57:14.773 [3428:c10]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x06598068, notify: 2, connected: 1
2011-10-20 03:57:14.773 [3428:c10]: AppleDevice::NotifyDisconnect: IBOOT, IBOOT \?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#b1499fd1, inst: 0x6598068
2011-10-20 03:57:14.773 [3428:c10]:                                IBOOT, DFU \?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}%pre%00#b1499fd1, inst: 0x6598068
2011-10-20 03:57:14.773 [3428:c10]: _AMRecoveryModeDeviceFinalize: 065B72A8
2011-10-20 03:57:14.783 [3428:c10]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceRemoval: \?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}%pre%00#b1499fd1
2011-10-20 03:57:14.783 [3428:c10]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x06598068, notify: 2, connected: 0
2011-10-20 04:02:14.787 [3428:c84]: iTunes: Restore error 1604
00#b1499fd1, inst: 0x6598068 2011-10-20 03:57:14.773 [3428:c10]: _AMRecoveryModeDeviceFinalize: 065B72A8 2011-10-20 03:57:14.783 [3428:c10]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceRemoval: \?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}%pre%00#b1499fd1 2011-10-20 03:57:14.783 [3428:c10]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x06598068, notify: 2, connected: 0 2011-10-20 04:02:14.787 [3428:c84]: iTunes: Restore error 1604
posta wim 19.10.2011 - 19:28

4 risposte


La risposta di @ patrix è giusta.

Ho avuto anche questo errore. Si è rivelato essere un hardware USB difettoso. Ho usato un computer diverso per ripristinare iOS, quindi sono tornato al computer originale. Ho scollegato tutti i dispositivi USB tranne il mouse, la tastiera e il wifi. Ho riavviato il PC, collegato l'iPhone, avviato iTunes e ripristinato dal backup. Ciò ha funzionato perfettamente e ora uso solo la sincronizzazione wifi piuttosto che utilizzare le porte USB difettose.

risposta data 20.10.2011 - 00:23

Hai provato a riavviare il PC? E hai anche provato a riavviare il tuo iPhone tenendo premuto il pulsante Home e il pulsante in alto e lo stesso tempo fino a quando il logo Apple non ritorna? Potrebbe essere necessario portarlo al negozio di apple. Possono diagnosticarlo e anche solo ripristinarlo e aggiornarlo per te. E se sei ancora in garanzia, potrebbero addirittura sostituirlo. In bocca al lupo.

risposta data 19.10.2011 - 20:41

dal documento di supporto Apple pertinente, in particolare la parte relativa a errore 1604 :

This error is often related to USB timing. Try changing USB ports, uninstalling and reinstalling USB ports, and other available USB troubleshooting steps (troubleshooting USB connections, device not recognized properly, computer won't recognize a FireWire or USB device). If you are using a dock, bypass it and connect directly to the white Apple USB dock connector cable.

Il documento di supporto consiglia inoltre di riavviare iTunes se 1604 si verifica mentre si lascia collegato il telefono .

risposta data 19.10.2011 - 22:43

Sono abbastanza sicuro che questo abbia a che fare con l'anti-virus di terze parti. Leggi questo articolo su

risposta data 20.10.2011 - 00:51

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