Ero molto, molto impressionato con il Full Throttle: TDD video di Rob Ronery e Brad Wilson. Non è gratuito, ma sarà uno dei migliori $ 12 che tu abbia mai speso. Il video è un po 'più lungo di 50 minuti - credo che siano 65 minuti in totale - quindi forse puoi fornire una piccola bustina marrone contenente un dessert: -)
Un frammento di blog di Rob Conery sul video:
The premise was that Brad needed to create a subscription billing system that fires off periodic billings and also updates the Customer record - using C# and (Brad’s testing framework he created with Jim Newkirk). To many, this sounds simple. To those that have implemented such a thing - it’s anything but.
The thing that I really, really enjoyed about this episode is that I pushed Brad just enough to remove the “demo veneer” - I gave him a curveball about 30 minutes in where I said “Oh yeah… did I mention that we also do X?” - and he had to adjust.
When you have a mess of tests that assume one thing, then you have to shift to another - it’s a pain in the ass. But Brad handled it amazingly well - taking the opportunity to push more structure into his testing process, then one by one “transition” his old tests into the new approach.
We worked the whole hour inside a single code file - and I’d never seen anyone do that before. Sure, I’ve created a class right there inside the code - but watching Brad spin up class after class, then rename, then delete, then completely restructure his tests… it was very, very interesting.
They always say TDD is a “design process” - yet I’ve never seen it used in a truly “design-y” way - like a painter might toss color after color on a canvas until it looks/feel just right. And that’s exactly how it felt watching him.
About 15 minutes in Brad mentions that “I leave a class in the test file until it’s ready to go public” - meaning that he has enough tests to justify his design decisions. A concept I’d never really thought about before - sort of like using the test file as a bit of a “womb”.
He “felt” his way through the creation of the billing system - talking to himself the whole time and creating something rather interesting and pretty damn close to what we ended up with after close to 3 years being live.