Ho letto alcuni papers dei primi anni '90 su un'iniziativa di riutilizzo del software del Dipartimento della Difesa statunitense denominata Defense Software Reuse System (DSRS). La più recente citazione che ho trovato è stata in un articolo del 2000 - A Survey di repository di riutilizzo software
Defense Software Repository System (DSRS)
The DSRS is an automated repository for storing and retrieving Reusable Software Assets (RSAs) [14]. The DSRS software now manages inventories of reusable assets at seven software reuse support centers (SRSCs). The DSRS serves as a central collection point for quality RSAs, and facilitates software reuse by offering developers the opportunity to match their requirements with existing software products. DSRS accounts are available for Government employees and contractor personnel currently supporting Government projects...
...The DoD software community is trying to change its software engineering model from its current software cycle to a process-driven, domain-specific, architecture-based, repository-assisted way of constructing software [15]. In this changing environment, the DSRS has the highest potential to become the DoD standard reuse repository because it is the only existing deployed, operational repository with multiple interoperable locations across DoD. Seven DSRS locations support nearly 1,000 users and list nearly 9,000 reusable assets. The DISA DSRS alone lists 3,880 reusable assets and has 400 user accounts...
The far-term strategy of the DSRS is to support a virtual repository. These interconnected repositories will provide the ability to locate and share reusable components across domains and among the services. An effective and evolving DSRS is a central requirement to the success of the DoD software reuse initiative. Evolving DoD repository requirements demand that DISA continue to have an operational DSRS site to support testing in an actual repository operation and to support DoD users. The classification process for the DSRS is a basic technology for providing customer support [16]. This process is the first step in making reusable assets available for implementing the functional and technical migration strategies.
[14] DSRS - Defense Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems
URL: http://ssed1.ims.disa.mil/srp/dsrspage.html
[15] STARS - Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems
URL: http://www.stars.ballston.paramax.com/index.html
[16] D. E. Perry and S. S. Popovitch, “Inquire: Predicate-based use and reuse,''
in Proceedings of the 8th Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference, pp. 144-151, September 1993.
Il DSRS è morto e ci sono stati rapporti post-mortem su di esso? Ci sono altre iniziative o rapporti del governo degli Stati Uniti più recenti sul riutilizzo del software?