Usando il semplice copia e incolla per estrarre la lista dei brani dal nuovo itunes 11


Prima di iTunes 11, ero in grado di selezionare semplicemente le opzioni di visualizzazione per la playlist, evidenziare i miei brani, eseguire il hit copy e incollarli in un post del blog.

Ora, con iTunes 11, sembra che non sia in grado di fare qualcosa di così semplice. Per ora ho trovato una soluzione alternativa, stampando la playlist in formato PDF e copiando il contenuto in un post del blog. Questo è irritante per me, poiché ho bisogno di qualcosa di molto più rapido ed efficiente.

Qualcuno sa come riprendere la semplice funzionalità di copia e incolla? O c'è un modo semplice simile a questo? Non voglio esportare in un file excel o esportare l'intera libreria, voglio solo le opzioni di visualizzazione che ho selezionato, artista, traccia e album, non la totalità delle informazioni di ogni canzone.

posta Rachel Meltzer 10.12.2012 - 07:34

5 risposte


Hmm, non avere questo problema. La voce Modifica / Copia è abilitata per te? Perché se premo copia, e poi incollo in un file di testo, per uno screenshot dato ottengo:

2 of 12 Aquele plano para me esquecer Adriana Calcanhotto O micróbio do samba Brasileira 6 60 3:01
6 Suavemente Elvis Crespo 5* / Top40 Latin 2 100 4:24
12 La Camisa Negra Juanes 5*/Top40 Pop 100 3:35
1 I Need A Dollar Aloe Blacc 5* / Top40 Soul 4 100 4:04

è ciò che stai cercando di ottenere?

risposta data 10.12.2012 - 08:56

Per motivi di semplicità, assicurati di essere in una semplice visualizzazione elenco, anche Canzoni o Playlist come mostra @kraymer. Non puoi ottenere questo risultato dalle copertine delle copertine.

Più specificamente ti suggerisco di creare una playlist con le opzioni di visualizzazione attivate, aggiungere brani e cancellarla quando hai finito.

È ancora possibile copiare / incollare queste voci come si è potuto fare in precedenza:

Rocket Man  3:27    Aethernaut  6 of 11 Steam Fist Island II
Obstacle Course 4:00    Aethernaut  8 of 11 Steam Fist Island II
Unpause the Heat    3:19    Aethernaut  1 of 5  Super Mega Ultra
The Moon    3:23    Aethernaut  1 of 1  The Moon
2011-2010=1 2:19    Aethernaut  1 of 6  2011-2003=8
2011-2009=2 3:41    Aethernaut  2 of 6  2011-2003=8
2011-2008=3 3:15    Aethernaut  3 of 6  2011-2003=8
2011-2007=4 3:28    Aethernaut  4 of 6  2011-2003=8
2011-2006=5 4:17    Aethernaut  5 of 6  2011-2003=8
2011-2005=6 4:04    Aethernaut  6 of 6  2011-2003=8

risposta data 19.12.2012 - 11:22

Ok mi sono imbattuto in questo stesso problema. Faccio un programma radiofonico e suono usato in grado di copiare una playlist di iTunes, quindi andare in Excel e incollarlo in un foglio di calcolo preformato per stamparlo. Quello non funziona più. I successi erano nei commenti sopra. Di seguito sono riportati i passaggi che dovevo fare:

  1. Seleziona e copia la playlist in iTunes.
  2. Apri un nuovo documento in Textedit e scegli "Crea testo normale" dal menu "Formato". 3. Incolla il nuovo documento di testo in testo semplice (questo rende il testo che desideri invece di incollare i brani.
  3. Ora mentre sei ancora nel documento textedit in testo normale seleziona tutto e copia.
  4. Accedi per documentare dove vuoi incollare i dati, (nel mio caso lo faccio in un documento Excel)
  5. Ora incolla i dati in

Quello che sto facendo è usare un documento in testo semplice per creare i dati che ho copiato da iTunes I in testo normale, quindi copiare e copiare quella versione in chiaro e incollarla dove voglio.

risposta data 16.11.2013 - 06:50

Quindi ecco lo script:

"Export As HTML Table" for iTunes
written by Doug Adams
[email protected]

v1.5 mar 15 '04
-- includes composer, rating, and grouping options
(this script had not been updated since December of 2001!)

Get more free AppleScripts and info on writing your own
at Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes
-- U S E R - C U S T O M I Z A B L E    O P T I O N S 
-- maintain quotes!
-- M A K E   C H A N G E S   A N D   S A V E  (command-s)
-- initial HTML options
property myBackgroundColor : "white" -- background color, can also use "#ffffff", etc
property myTextColor : "black" -- text color, can also use "#000000", etc

-- table attributes
property mycellpadding : "1" -- padding inside cells
property mycellspacing : "0" -- padding outside between cells
property myborder : "1" -- thickness of table border, 0 is no border

-- Title line attributes
property myTitleJustification : "center" -- (left, center, or right) justification in main title cell 

-- TH attributes
property myTHJustification : "left" -- (left, center, or right) justification in column headers

-- TD attributes
property myTDJustification : "left" -- (left, center, or right) justification in data cells

-- face & size 
-- size can be relative (-1,-2,+1,+2, etcetera) or 1,2,3,4,5 -- smaller IS better!
-- font can be set to any installed font

-- top line where name of playlist, number of songs, time, and length appear
property myTitleFont : "Geneva" -- font for title line
property myTitlesize : "-2" -- font size for title line

-- column headers
property myTHFont : "Geneva" -- font for headers
property myTHsize : "-2" -- font size for headers

-- text in cells
property myTDFont : "Geneva" -- font for data
property myTDsize : "-2" -- font size for data
property myChoices : {"Artist", "Album"} -- remember last batch or always default to these
property myOptions : {"Play Order", "Artist", "Album", "Composer", "Genre", "Grouping", "Rating", "Size", "Time", "Track Number", ¬
    "Track Count", "Year", "Date", "Date Added", "Bit rate", "Sample rate", ¬
    "Volume", "Kind", "EQ", "Comment", "Location"}
global html_contents, thePlaylist, file_name, TDopen, TDclose, THopen, THclose, do_number

property okflag : false
-- check if iTunes is running 
tell application "System Events"
    if (get name of every process) contains "iTunes" then set okflag to true
end tell
if okflag then -- iTunes is running, let's go
    tell application "iTunes"
        -- ask user
        set myNewChoices to (choose from list myOptions with prompt ¬
            "Include table cells for which selected items below?" & return & "(\"Title\" is always included.)" default items myChoices OK button name ¬
            "Choose" cancel button name "Cancel" with multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed)
        if myNewChoices is false then error number -128 -- cancel was clicked

        copy myNewChoices to myChoices
        --initial iTunes variables
        set thePlaylist to the front window's view
        my get_the_file_name()

        -- which tracks to use?
        if selection is {} then
            set allTracks to every track of thePlaylist
            set tableTitle to "Playlist: "
            set allTracks to a reference to selection
            set tableTitle to "Selected in Playlist: "
        end if

        -- fig total tracks time, size, and number even if selection
        set totalSeconds to 0
        set totalSize to 0
        repeat with this_track in allTracks
            set totalSeconds to totalSeconds + (this_track's duration)
            set totalSize to totalSize + (this_track's size)
        end repeat
        set myTotalTrackTime to (my calc_total_time(totalSeconds))
        set myTotalTrackSize to (my calc_size(totalSize))

        set num_of_tracks to (count of allTracks)
        set s to "s"
        if num_of_tracks is 1 then set s to ""

        -- initialize some elements
        -- open and close for all TD & TH cells
        set TDopen to "<td align=" & myTDJustification & "><p><font face=" & myTDFont & " size=" & myTDsize & ">"
        set TDclose to "</font></p></td>"
        set THopen to "<th align=" & myTHJustification & "><font face=" & myTHFont & " size=" & myTHsize & ">"
        set THclose to "</font></th>"
        -- removed <p> tags from <TH> 'cause Netscape doesn't like correct HTML spec

        -- how many columns in table
        set myColspan to ((count of myChoices) + 1) -- number of cells across = number of all myChoices plus Title always chosen
        --  end then begin new table row
        set startNewRow to "</tr>" & return & "<tr>"
        --begin page
        set startHTML to ((("<html>" & ¬
            "<head><title>" & tableTitle & (get thePlaylist's name) & "</title></head>" & return ¬
            & "<body bgcolor=" & myBackgroundColor & " text=" & myTextColor & ">" & return & ¬
            "<table cellpadding=" & mycellpadding ¬
            & " cellspacing=" & mycellspacing ¬
            & " border=" & myborder ¬
            & " width=100%>" & return & "<tr>" & return & "<td colspan=" & myColspan as string) ¬
            & " align=" & myTitleJustification & "><p><font face=" & myTitleFont & " size=" & myTitlesize & ">" & tableTitle & "<b>" & thePlaylist's name ¬
            & "</b> " & num_of_tracks as string) & " song" & s & ", " & myTotalTrackTime ¬
            & " total time, " & myTotalTrackSize) & TDclose & return & "</tr>" & return & ¬
            "<tr>" & return & (my make_headers()) as string
        -- end page
        set endHTML to "</tr>" & return & "</table>" & return & "</body></html>"

        -- init main container
        set html_contents to ""
        -- S T A R T   T H E   P A G E  

        my add_to_contents(startHTML)

        repeat with thisTrack in allTracks -- do each track for each row

            my add_to_contents(startNewRow)

            if do_number is 2 then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's index as string)

            my add_another_TD(thisTrack's name) -- must always appear!

            if myChoices contains "Artist" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's artist)

            if myChoices contains "Album" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's album)

            if myChoices contains "Composer" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's composer)

            if myChoices contains "Genre" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's genre)

            if myChoices contains "Grouping" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's grouping)

            if myChoices contains "Rating" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's rating)

            if myChoices contains "Size" then -- size calculation
                my add_another_TD(my calc_size(thisTrack's size))
            end if

            if myChoices contains "Time" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's time as string)

            if myChoices contains "Track Number" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's track number as string)

            if myChoices contains "Track Count" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's track count as string)

            if myChoices contains "Year" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's year as string)

            if myChoices contains "Date" then
                my add_another_TD(my fix_date_string(thisTrack's modification date))
            end if

            if myChoices contains "Date Added" then
                my add_another_TD(my fix_date_string(thisTrack's date added))
            end if

            if myChoices contains "Bit rate" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's bit rate as string)

            if myChoices contains "Sample rate" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's sample rate as string)

            if myChoices contains "Volume" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's volume adjustment as string)

            if myChoices contains "Kind" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's kind)

            if myChoices contains "EQ" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's EQ)

            if myChoices contains "Comment" then my add_another_TD(thisTrack's comment)

            if myChoices contains "Location" then
                set myLocation to (thisTrack's location as text)
                if myLocation is "missing value" then
                    set myLocation to "<i>not available on local drive</i>"
                end if
                my add_another_TD(myLocation)
            end if

        end repeat

        my add_to_contents(endHTML)
        -- contents now assembled
    end tell -- iTunes

    -- S A V E   F I L E  &  E N D

    my Make_The_File(file_name, html_contents as string)
    set dMes to return & return & "Would you like to view the exported HTML file?"
    set myEnding to (display dialog "Done!" & dMes buttons {"Done", "Yes"} default button 2 with icon 1 giving up after 30)
    if button returned of myEnding is "Yes" or gave up of myEnding is true then
        tell application "TextEdit"
                open (file_name as alias)
            on error errMs
                display dialog errMs buttons {"Cancel"}
            end try
        end tell
    end if -- button is "Done"
end if -- iTunes not running

-- S U B R O U T I N E S ----------------------------
-- create file in Finder
to Make_The_File(file_name, cont)
        copy (open for access file_name with write permission) to fileRef
        write cont to fileRef
        --set eof of fileRef to (length of cont)
        close access fileRef
    on error m number n
            close access fileRefr
        end try
        if (n is equal to -48) then
            --display dialog "File exists"
            do shell script "rm " & quoted form of POSIX path of file_name
            my Make_The_File(file_name, cont)
            display dialog "There has been an error creating the file:" & return & return & m & return & "error number: " & n buttons {"Cancel"}
        end if
    end try
end Make_The_File

-- choose file
to get_the_file_name()
    set file_name to (choose file name with prompt ¬
        "Enter a name for the exported HTML file" default name ((thePlaylist's name as text) & ".html"))
    if file_name is false then error number -128 -- cancel
    --return file_name
end get_the_file_name

-- add TD stuff to eventual contents
to add_another_TD(x)
    if x is "" then set x to "<i>n/a</i>"
    my add_to_contents(TDopen & x & TDclose)
end add_another_TD

-- add text to eventual contents
to add_to_contents(x)
    if x is "" then set x to "&nbsp;"
    copy (html_contents & x & return) as string to html_contents
end add_to_contents

-- construct headers based on user selection
to make_headers()
    set do_number to 1
    set myNewHeaders to ""
    if myChoices starts with "Play Order" then
        set myNewHeaders to THopen & "#" & THclose
        --      copy items 2 thru -1 of myChoices to myChoices
        set do_number to 2
    end if
    set myNewHeaders to myNewHeaders & THopen & "Title" & THclose
    repeat with i from do_number to (count of myChoices)
        copy item i of myChoices to thisHeader
        set myNewHeaders to myNewHeaders & return & THopen & thisHeader & THclose
    end repeat

    return myNewHeaders
end make_headers

-- abbreviate date strings
to fix_date_string(x)
    set dateList to (my TextToList((x) as string, " "))
    set myDateAdded to ((((get characters 1 thru 3 of item 1 of dateList) as string) & ¬
        ", " & ¬
        (get characters 1 thru 3 of item 2 of dateList) as string) & ¬
        " " & (item 3 of dateList) & ¬
        " " & ¬
        (item 4 of dateList) & ¬
        " " & ¬
        (get characters 1 thru -4 of item 5 of dateList) as string) & ¬
        (item 6 of dateList) as string
    return myDateAdded as string
end fix_date_string

-- obligatory text->list,list->text GREAT SUBROUTUNES
on TextToList(theText, theDelimiter)
    set saveDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {theDelimiter}
        set theList to every text item of theText
    on error errStr number errNum
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveDelim
        error errStr number errNum
    end try
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveDelim
    return (theList)
end TextToList

on ListToText(theList, theDelimiter)
    set saveDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {theDelimiter}
        set theText to theList as text
    on error errStr number errNum
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveDelim
        error errStr number errNum
    end try
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveDelim
    return (theText)
end ListToText

to calc_total_time(totalSeconds)
    set theHour to totalSeconds div 3600
    if theHour is not 0 then
        set theHour to (theHour as string) & ":"
        set theHour to ""
    end if
    set theMinutes to (totalSeconds mod 3600) div 60
    if theMinutes is not 0 then
        if theMinutes is less than 10 then set theMinutes to "0" & (theMinutes as string)
        set theMinutes to (theMinutes as string) & ":"
        set theMinutes to "00:"
    end if
    set theSeconds to totalSeconds mod 60
    if theSeconds is less than 10 then set theSeconds to "0" & (theSeconds as string)
    -- gets the number of seconds after the minute
    return theHour & theMinutes & theSeconds as string
end calc_total_time

-- ©1998 Sal Soghoian, Apple Computer
-- slightly modified for this script -- I have used a factor of 1024 and 1048576
-- but I am not completely happy with any results; they do not match what
-- is in iTunes' display exactly. However, there is less of a difference
-- created in this version of the script than in previous
to calc_size(x)
    if x > 1.0E+9 then
        set a to (x div 1.0E+9)
        set b to (x mod 1.0E+9) div 10000000 -- notice NOT 100000000
        set b to (round (b / 10) rounding up)
        if b > 9 then set b to 9
        set x to (a & "." & b as string) & " GB"
    else if x > 1048576 then
        set a to (x div 1048576)
        set b to (x mod 1048576) div 10000 -- notice NOT 100000
        set b to (round (b / 10) rounding up)
        if b > 9 then set b to 9
        set x to (a & "." & b as string) & " MB"
    else if x > 1024 then
        set a to (x div 1024)
        set b to (x mod 1024) div 10 -- notice NOT 100
        set b to (round (b / 10) rounding up)
        if b > 9 then set b to 9
        set x to (a & "." & b as string) & " KB"
        set x to x & " Bytes"
    end if
    return x
end calc_size

fonte: link Grande grazie a Doug Adams per tutto il suo lavoro su questi script

risposta data 16.11.2013 - 17:46

c'è un modo più semplice, che ha funzionato per me.

usa il applescript.

c'è un siite chiamato dougscript ( link ) ci sono molti script e altri helper in giro per iTunes.

penso che quello che meglio si adatta alle tue esigenze sarebbe questo link

risposta data 16.11.2013 - 08:08

Leggi altre domande sui tag