Come faccio a consentire a AppleScript di scegliere qualsiasi tipo di file?


Sto realizzando uno script che semplifica la crittografia dei file e nella parte iniziale ho questo:

display dialog "Choose where your file is located."
set directory to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "File Location:" default location (path to desktop))
display dialog "Choose your file."
choose file with prompt "File Name:"
set filepath to result

Quando chiede un file, c'è un altro modo in cui posso renderlo in grado di scegliere qualcosa? (Cartelle, immagini ...)

posta James Kin 23.06.2018 - 22:31

1 risposta


Impossibile eseguire

I seguenti sono diversi modi per richiedere i file. Non c'è modo, in puro Apple Script , di richiedere contemporaneamente le cartelle File o .

Seleziona file :

set directory to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "File Location:" default location (path to desktop))

Seleziona file :

set directory to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "File Location:" default location (path to desktop) with multiple selections allowed)

Seleziona cartella :

set directory to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "File Location:" default location (path to desktop))

Seleziona cartelle :

set directory to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "File Location:" default location (path to desktop) with multiple selections allowed)

Seleziona tipi di file specifici:

Prompting for a Specific Type of File

If your script requires specific types of files for processing, you can use the choose file command’s optional of type parameter to provide a list of acceptable types. Types may be specified as extension strings without the leading period (such as "jpg" or "png") or as uniform type identifiers (such as "public.image" or ""). Listing 26-3 and Listing 26-4 show how to prompt for an image.

Per immagini:

set directory to POSIX path of (choose file of type {"public.image"} with prompt "File Location:" default location (path to desktop) with multiple selections allowed)

Fonti: Mac Scripting Automation Guide

Usando AppleScriptObjC puoi chiedere File o Cartelle. Vedi questa risposta (se la risposta collegata ti ha aiutato, per favore, aumenta la Q & A collegata):

No, you can't do it with "choose file" or "choose folder" verbs, but choosing a file or folder (or multiple files/folders) is supported by the underlying NSOpenPanel. So you can do it with AppleScriptObjC. Here's an example using [ASObjCRunner][1] (derived from [here][2]):

script chooseFilesOrFolders
  tell current application's NSOpenPanel's openPanel()
      setTitle_("Choose Files or Folders") -- window title, default is "Open"
      setPrompt_("Choose") -- button name, default is "Open"

      setAllowsMultipleSelection_(true) -- remove if you only want a single file/folder

      get its runModal() as integer -- show the panel
      if result is current application's NSFileHandlingPanelCancelButton then error number -128 -- cancelled
      return URLs() as list
  end tell
end script

tell application "ASObjC Runner"
  run the script {chooseFilesOrFolders} with response
end tell

ASObjCRunner converts a NSArray of NSURL objects into an AppleScript list of files; the results can look something like:

{file "Macintosh HD:Users:nicholas:Desktop:fontconfig:", file "Macintosh HD:Users:nicholas:Desktop:form.pdf"}


Potresti utilizzare una finestra di dialogo che richiede a un utente di selezionare ciò che vorrebbero criptare.

display dialog "Select a type to Encrypt" buttons {"File(s)", "Folder(s)"}
set a to the button returned of the result
if a is "File(s)" then
    set directory to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "File Location:" default location (path to desktop) with multiple selections allowed)
    set directory to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "File Location:" default location (path to desktop) with multiple selections allowed)
end if

Infine, controlla la mia risposta qui per un modo per crittografare i file con Apple Script e Automator.

risposta data 24.06.2018 - 00:41

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