Utilizza ControllerMate
Puoi riprogrammare praticamente qualsiasi pulsante (tastiera, tasto MIDI, tasto del mouse, ecc.) per eseguire qualsiasi numero di azioni predefinite.
Reconfigure drivers
Driver configurations can be used to change the default behavior of a
keyboard or mouse that uses ControllerMate's driver.
All buttons on a keyboard have some default function or another. Most
are useful, some are not. A driver configuration allows one button on
a keyboard act like another, or can turn a button off completely.
Buttons that have been turned off can still be used to trigger
building blocks.
A driver configuration for a mouse can include a custom acceleration
curve. This curve can be one of the standard curves, a standard curve
with an adjusted speed or sensitivity, or an entirely custom curve
created point by point.
Multiple configurations can be created for the same keyboard or mouse
— use building blocks to control when a configuration is active.