Impossibile avviare o disinstallare Disk Drill


Ho queste due icone nella mia barra dei menu, che sembra essere un'applicazione chiamata Disk Drill (vedi rettangolo rosso):

Fondamentalmente, voglio disinstallare Disk Drill e rimuovere queste due icone dalla mia barra dei menu. Ho cercato il mio Mac in Finder e non riesco a trovare Disk Drill nell'elenco di applicazioni e non riesco a trovare alcun file correlato a Disk Drill e pertanto non riesco a avviare Disk Drill. Come posso disinstallare Disk Drill dal mio Mac?

posta luciano 22.01.2016 - 10:27

1 risposta


Da Come disinstallare Disk Drill

What’s the correct way to uninstall all the components of Disk Drill? Usually, a Mac user will just move an app to the Trash, and consider the job done. But Disk Drill installs some low-core modules for effective data protection and recovery. So for this type of system-level software, dragging the app to the Trash is not enough.

Here’s the one and only correct way to remove Disk Drill:

  1. Launch Disk Drill
  2. On the menu bar, go to Disk Drill -> Preferences -> General
  3. Click “Remove Disk Drill”
  4. That’s all there is to it. But we are already missing you, and hope you will give Disk Drill another try sometime.

If for some reason you cannot get to Preferences, there are two ways to delete the Disk Drill components manually:

Alternative #1:

  1. Delete Applications/Disk
  2. Delete /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.cleverfiles.cfbackd.plist
  3. Delete /Library/Application Support/CleverFiles
  4. (Optional) Go to System Preferences -> Fuse for OSX and click Remove OSXFUSE (Fuse would only have been installed if you opted to mount scanning results as a disk image. If you don’t see it in System Preferences, then it was not installed.)
  5. Restart your Mac

Alternative #2:

  1. Go to to download the DiskDrill.dmg file.
  2. Once downloaded, double-click on the DiskDrill.dmg file.
  3. Do NOT drag the Disk Drill app icon to your Applications folder right now.
  4. Launch Terminal (Applications/Utilities/
  5. Execute the following command in the Terminal: sudo /Volumes/DiskDrill/Disk\
  6. No need to restart.
  7. (Optional) Go to System Preferences -> Fuse for OSX and click Remove OSXFUSE (Fuse would only have been installed if you opted to mount scanning results as a disk image. If you don’t see it in System Preferences, then it was not installed.)
risposta data 22.01.2016 - 10:47

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