La batteria del tuo Mac non ha raggiunto il numero massimo di cicli, che per il tuo modello è di 1000 cicli (consulta Mac notebook: Determinazione del ciclo della batteria contare ):
Articolo OS X Mountain Lion: condizioni della batteria elenca le possibili condizioni:
Normal: The battery is functioning normally.
Replace Soon: The battery is functioning normally but holds less charge than it did when it was new.
Replace Now: The battery is functioning normally but holds significantly less charge than it did when it was new. You can
continue to use the battery until you replace it without harming your
Service Battery: The battery isn’t functioning normally, and you may or may not notice a change in its behavior or the amount of charge
it holds. Take your computer in for service. You can continue to use
your battery before it’s checked without harming your computer.