Iphone 6+ USB si disconnette continuamente da Macbook Pro


Il mio iPhone continua a disconnettersi dal mio MacBook Pro; in effetti qualsiasi iPhone che provo a connettere (e con cavi diversi) non può mai connettersi ad esso.

Ho molta familiarità con la linea di comando e Linux, quindi per favore se qualcuno ha dei suggerimenti su cosa potrebbe succedere qui sentitevi liberi di inviare comandi o posizioni in cui posso provare a trovare la fonte di questo problema.

Specifiche MacBook: Sierra 10.13.3 MacBook Mid 2015 Intel Core i7 da 2,2 GHz

iPhone 6s Plus / anche se ho provato con iPhone 5 e iPhone 6 oltre a 3 cavi diversi.

L'output tail -f /var/system.log è il seguente

        Jan 25 12:21:05 MyMac PrintUITool[488]: notify name "com.apple.system.powersources.source" has been registered 320 times - this may be a leak
        Jan 25 12:21:08 MyMac fud[1256]: objc[1256]: Class MobileAssetUpdater is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAccessoryUpdater.framework/Support/fud (0x10878de10) and /System/Library/AccessoryUpdaterBundles/ApplePowerAccessoryUpdater.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ApplePowerAccessoryUpdater (0x1087df8f8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
        Jan 25 12:21:22 MyMac PrintUITool[488]: notify name "com.apple.system.powersources.source" has been registered 340 times - this may be a leak

Quando collego iTunes continua a fare la stessa cosa ma i rapporti di errore sono i seguenti:

        Jan 25 12:30:22 MyMac PrintUITool[488]: notify name "com.apple.system.powersources.source" has been registered 840 times - this may be a leak
        Jan 25 12:30:44 MyMac PrintUITool[488]: notify name "com.apple.system.powersources.source" has been registered 860 times - this may be a leak
        Jan 25 12:30:56 MyMac com.apple.BKAgentService[1584]: DEPRECATED USE in libdispatch client: Setting timer interval to 0 requests a 1ns timer, did you mean FOREVER (a one-shot timer)?
        Jan 25 12:30:56 MyMac iTunes[1582]: info> Scale factor of main display = 2.0
        Jan 25 12:30:57 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:8
        Jan 25 12:30:57 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - unable to query device capabilities
        Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:8
        Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Failed to extract ChipID from booted device
        Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Failed to connect to device for lockdown query
        Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Failed to extract ECID from booted device
        Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Proxy returned empty ECID
        Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Can't generate fake tracking identifier for device that's not of type recovery or DFU
        Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:8
        Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Can't handle device disconnection since this device is not tracked
        Jan 25 12:30:59 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:9
        Jan 25 12:30:59 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:9
        Jan 25 12:30:59 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
        Jan 25 12:30:59 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:10
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - unable to query device capabilities
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:10
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - Failed to extract BoardID from booted device
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Failed to connect to device for lockdown query
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - Failed to extract ChipID from booted device
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Failed to connect to device for lockdown query
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - Failed to extract ECID from booted device
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - Proxy returned empty ECID
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - Can't generate fake tracking identifier for device that's not of type recovery or DFU
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:10
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - Can't handle device disconnection since this device is not tracked
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: failed to connect to USB device 0x60c0001b7f40, UDID ddda699531d5203e0a1fd580430d0f60df6a3353 (0xE8000084)
        Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac PrintUITool[488]: notify name "com.apple.system.powersources.source" has been registered 880 times - this may be a leak
        Jan 25 12:31:03 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:11

dmesg stampa queste righe più volte:

    NCM Data: family specific matching fails
    AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
    Apple USB Multiplexor: family specific matching fails
    NCM Control: family specific matching fails
    AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails

Sto cercando di creare un'app al momento quindi non essere in grado di provare su un dispositivo reale è un problema, qualcuno è riuscito a risolverlo o a trovarlo prima?

posta Kravitz 25.01.2018 - 12:36

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