Che cos'è l'opzione di rete Wifi sotto i servizi di localizzazione di sistema in iOS 7?


Ho notato un'opzione chiamata Wifi-networking e non riesco a capire cosa faccia esattamente.

posta Render 17.11.2013 - 06:25

1 risposta


Crowd-sourced Wi-Fi and cellular Location Services

If Location Services is on, your device will periodically send the geo-tagged locations of nearby Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers in an anonymous and encrypted form to Apple to augment Apple's crowd-sourced database of Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower locations. In addition, if you're traveling (for example, in a car) and Location Services is on, a GPS-enabled iOS device will also periodically send GPS locations and travel speed information in an anonymous and encrypted form to Apple to be used for building up Apple's crowd-sourced road traffic database. The crowd-sourced location data gathered by Apple doesn't personally identify you.

iOS 7: Informazioni sui servizi di localizzazione

Vedi anche Come proteggere le informazioni private memorizzate sul tuo iPhone .

risposta data 17.11.2013 - 06:27

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