Cosa fa il tasto di controllo, a parte il suo utilizzo nel terminale e il clic destro?


Finora ho usato il tasto di controllo per:

  • Invia comandi di controllo al terminale
  • Occasionalmente fai clic con il pulsante destro

Il tasto ha altre funzioni?

posta Howard 16.11.2013 - 09:15

2 risposte


Il tasto Control viene usato come modificatore per vari scopi in diverse applicazioni. In OS X, è anche usato per i collegamenti Emacs supportati in molte applicazioni.

Apple HIG (Linee guida per l'interfaccia umana) che è raccomandato per gli sviluppatori di applicazioni scoraggia l'uso della chiave Control (l'equivalente più vicino alla chiave di modifica Control in Windows è il tasto Command su OS X):

As much as possible, avoid using the Control key. Because the Control key is already used by some of the universal access features—as well as in Cocoa text fields where Emacs-style key bindings are often used—it should be used as a modifier key only when necessary.

Ecco alcuni esempi di scorciatoie da Tasti di scelta rapida KB su OS X di Apple :

Sleep and shutdown shortcuts with Control

Command-Control-power button    Force your Mac to restart
Control-Media Eject (⏏)    Show restart/sleep/shutdown dialog
Command-Control-Media Eject (⏏)    Quit all applications (after giving you a chance to save changes to open documents), then restart the computer
Command-Option-Control-Media Eject (⏏)    Quit all applications (after giving you a chance to save changes to open documents), then shut down the computer
Shift-Control-Media Eject (⏏)    Put all displays to sleep

Finder shortcuts with Control

Command-Control-I      Get Summary Info
Command-Control-Up Arrow      Open the folder that contains the current folder in a new window

Application and other OS X shortcuts with Control (may not work in some applications)

Control-A      Move to beginning of line/paragraph
Control-B      Move one character backward
Control-D     Delete the character in front of the cursor
Control-E     Move to end of line/paragraph
Control-F     Move one character forward
Control-H     Delete the character behind the cursor
Control-K      Delete from the character in front of the cursor to the end of the line/paragraph
Control-L      Center the cursor/selection in the visible area
Control-N      Move down one line
Control-O      Insert a new line after the cursor
Control-P      Move up one line
Control-T      Transpose the character behind the cursor and the character in front of the cursor
Control-V      Move down one page
Control-Tab      Move focus to the next grouping of controls in a dialog or the next table (when Tab moves to the next cell)
Shift-Control-Tab      Move focus to the previous grouping of controls
Control-F1      Toggle full keyboard access on or off
Control-F2      Move focus to the menu bar
Control-F3      Move focus to the Dock
Control-F4      Move focus to the active (or next) window
Shift-Control-F4      Move focus to the previously active window
Control-F5      Move focus to the toolbar.
Control-F6      Move focus to the first (or next) panel
Shift-Control-F6      Move focus to the previous panel
Control-F7      Temporarily override the current keyboard access mode in windows and dialogs
Control-F8      Move to the status menus in the menu bar
Command-Option-Control-Comma (,)      Decrease screen contrast
Command-Option-Control-Period (.)      Increase screen contrast
Command-Shift-Control-3      Capture the screen to the Clipboard
Command-Shift-Control-4      Capture a selection to the Clipboard
Command-Control-C     Copy the formatting settings of the selected item and store on the Clipboard
Command-Control-D     Display the definition of the selected word in the Dictionary application
Command-Control-V      Apply formatting settings to the selected object (Paste Ruler Command)
Control-Right Arrow      Move focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a table
Control-Left Arrow      Move focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a table
Control-Down Arrow      Move focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a table
Control-Up Arrow      Move focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a table
Control-Space bar      Toggle between the current and previous input sources
Option-Control-Space bar      Toggle through all enabled input sources

Universal Access shortcuts with Control

Option-Control-F8 or fn-Option-Control-F8      Open VoiceOver Utility (if VoiceOver is on)
Option-Control-F7 or fn-Option-Control-F7      Display VoiceOver menu (if VoiceOver is on)
Option-Control-Semicolon (;)      Enable/disable VoiceOver Control Option-lock
Command-Option-Control-8      Invert/revert the screen colors (OS X Lion or earlier)
Command-Option-Control-Comma (,)      Reduce contrast (OS X Lion or earlier)
Command-Option-Control-Period (.)      Increase contrast (OS X Lion or earlier)

risposta data 16.11.2013 - 14:47

Ctrl è un tasto modificatore di livello 3. Potresti dare un'occhiata a cosa fa se mostri la tastiera virtuale. Ti offre anche altre combinazioni di scorciatoie .

risposta data 16.11.2013 - 09:39

Leggi altre domande sui tag