È sicuro installare winebottler?


Mi manca Notepad ++ da quando cambio da Windows su macOS e c'è un articolo che dice se uso WineBottler (questa è l'unica cosa che mi manca), dovrebbe essere eseguito.

WineBottler packages Windows-based programs like browsers, media-players, games or business appli­ca­tions snugly into Mac app-bundles.

L'aspetto del blocco note è irrilevante (in realtà quasi non l'ho aggiunto). Sono a conoscenza di altri editori, sto chiedendo espressamente di WineBottler. Non voglio sapere dell'esecuzione di Parallels, ecc.

Voglio semplicemente sapere se WineBottler è dannoso o meno.

È noto che è sicuro?

posta bret7600 21.05.2018 - 02:21

2 risposte


Esegui vino

Wine is a translation layer for Windows applications. It's a bit like a virtual machine but doesn't require the Windows OS. It sits between the Windows application and OS X and makes the application think it's running on Windows by translating all the Windows calls its making to OS X calls.

There are two choices of know of here. The free WineBottler and the paid-for CrossOver Mac from CodeWeavers.

Some commercial software is delivered for OS X this way -- I know The Sims 3 game that my wife likes to play on her MacBook Pro is actually the Windows version of the game running under the Wine emulator.


  • You don't need to buy a copy of Windows
  • Your OS X-based data can be accessed from your Window programs


  • Application support under Wine can be hit-and-miss. Some apps work well, some don't. Check at http://appdb.winehq.org/ to see if your applications are on the list of tested, supported applications if you're going to try WineBottler. CodeWeavers keeps their own list.
  • Because the Windows applications think they're running on Windows, and not everything Windows does translates perfectly to OS X, some applications can behave erratically.

Fonte: Come posso eseguire applicazioni Windows su un MacBook Pro?

It basically installs enough windows frameworks i.e. registry, and DLLs needed by Windows applications to run. It doesnt install a full out version of windows. It is more or less sandboxed, as well as when you compile an application, you can further sandbox that application in its "own" windows subsystem, making it modular, like most macOS applications. It is safe and does not alter your HD filesystem.

Fonte: Reddit - WINE - è sicuro da usare?

Notepad ++ 7.x in Wine:

What works

Installs Launches (slowly) Opening/saving files Searching What does not

Default font is not monospace Some high Unicode codepoints (surrogate pairs?) do not display correctly Really slow to launch Workarounds

What was not tested

Anything but basic functionality Hardware tested


GPU: Intel Driver: open source Additional Comments

It works out-of-the-box, you just need to change the font to a monospace one that you have installed.

Fonte: WineHQ - Notepad ++

risposta data 21.05.2018 - 04:20

I simply want to know if WineBottler is malicious or not.

, ho installato Wine and WineBottler per anni senza problemi. Se lo scarichi dalla fonte ufficiale dovresti stare bene.

Inoltre, invece di usare il Blocco note puoi utilizzare l'equivalente di TextEdit di Mac . Vedi questo per maggiori informazioni:

TextEdit is the best and comes bundled with OSX.

If you want to make it without any text formatting, go to menu “Format Make Plain Text” (or shortcut ‘Command+Shift+T”.

You can also set this non-formatting as default everytime you launch this app. Go to “Preferences” > under ‘Format’ > choose “Plain Text”.

risposta data 28.06.2018 - 16:05

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