Zeitgeist per Mac OS X?


Qualcuno conosce un'applicazione o un progetto per Mac OS X come Zeitgeist per Ubuntu?

What is Zeitgeist?

Zeitgeist is a service which logs the users’ activities and events, anywhere from files opened to websites visited and conversations had.

It makes this information readily available for other applications to use. It is able to establish relationships between items based on similarity and usage patterns.

The service consists:

  • Engine
  • Extensions
  • API
  • Dataproviders

(Citazione dal link )

posta Tim 10.01.2012 - 13:10

1 risposta


La tempistica per Mac fornisce almeno parte delle funzionalità che stai cercando.

Timing is the best way to keep track of the time you spend with your Mac. Find out where your time goes - without ever having to start a timer again!

Timing automatically tracks which documents you are editing, which applications you use, and the domains of the websites you visit. Afterwards, just drag and drop activities into projects. There are some default categories, but you are free to customize them!

risposta data 04.02.2012 - 10:53

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