MacBook Air a metà 2011 - Handoff non supportato


C'è un problema con OS X Yosemite?

Ho un MacBook Air a metà 2011, con:

  • Versione Bluetooth 4.3
  • Bluetooth Low Energy supportato
  • Versione LMP 0x6

Does somebody experience the same behaviour?

posta Bastian Gruber 17.10.2014 - 08:41

4 risposte


A partire dal 23/10/2014 Il creatore del tutorial in basso (@dokterdok) ha rilasciato un software strumento per automatizzare il processo.

Di seguito è riportato il post dei macrumors originali ...


Update 23.10.2014: I've released a Continuity Activation Tool. No more painful manual hacking. Link.

Ecco come l'ho risolto ( secondo questo meraviglioso tutorial MacRumors menzionato da @Hank):

  1. Download and install 0xED in your Applications folder, you can get it from here:
  2. Download and install KextDrop in your Applications folder, you can get it from here:
  3. Open Terminal and type : sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
  4. Restart your machine.
  5. Open Finder, type CMD+Shift+G and go to /System/Library/Extensions/
  6. Copy those two files to your desktop and then delete the originals: IO80211Family.kext IOBluetoothFamily.kext
  7. Go to Terminal, and type: ioreg -l | grep "board-id" | awk -F\" '{print $4}'
  8. Your result should look like : Mac-742912EFDBEE19B3, (yours might be different.). Copy it to your clipboard (Select and CMD+C). Don't close terminal yet.
  9. Open Finder and hit CMD+Shift+G, go to ~/Desktop/IO80211Family.kext/Contents/Plugins/AirPortBrcm4360.kext/Contents/MacOS Note: if you have a different OS language, you might need to replace "Desktop" in the path with your local translation.
  10. Right Click on AirPortBrcm4360, and choose OPEN WITH: OTHER: 0XED
  11. Press CMD+F, search for "Mac-" (without the quotes). Make sure the search type is Text and not HEX.
  12. Look at the first result, for example, it might be Mac-C3EC7CD22292981F
  13. Go back to the FIND box, in the FIND field enter that first "Mac-" number that you found.
  14. In the REPLACE field, enter the number you got in Terminal, (remember you left it open.)
  15. Click REPLACE
  16. Repeat steps 11 to 15, but this time for the last "Mac-" result that you can find in the file.
  17. Click SAVE
  18. Open Finder and hit CMD+Shift+G to open the "Go to" popup, and go to ~/Desktop/IOBluetoothFamily.kext/Contents/MacOS
  19. Right Click on IOBluetoothFamily, and choose OPEN WITH: OTHER: 0XED.
  20. Press CMD+F. In the SEARCH field type: MacBookAir Click FIND NEXT.
  21. You will find a block of text containing 'MacBookAir4,1''MacBookAir4,2''Macmini5,1''Macmini5,2''Macmini5,3' Manually replace the numbers with ones only so they all look like: 'MacBookAir1,1''MacBookAir1,1''Macmini1,1''Macmini1,1''Macmini1,1'
  22. Click SAVE (the red circle button) and quit 0xED.
  23. Open KextDrop, and Drag and drop the IO80211Family.kext that you modified into the window.
  24. Click INSTALL.
  25. Repeat steps 23 and 24 but for your modified IOBluetoothFamily.kext
  26. Go Back to Terminal, and type the following commands. Wait for each one to finish. sudo kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel and sudo kextcache -system-caches
  27. Reboot. Make sure you have an Internet connection for the next steps.

Last: SignOut and in again your Mac and iPhone, reboot both.

Ecco come dovrebbe apparire dopo questo:

risposta data 19.10.2014 - 10:14

Segui questa guida, funziona anche sull'uscita di ieri, il mio Macbook Air 2011 sta funzionando alla grande.

Di sicuro è una soluzione, e se non ti senti a tuo agio con la modifica dei file kext ... Esegui!


risposta data 17.10.2014 - 13:31

La mia metà del 2011 mb air supporta Bluetooth LE e Bluetooth 4, ma Apple ha prescritto che non supporta il trasferimento.

È supportata anche la versione LMP richiesta per il trasferimento, 0x6.

Perché Apple ha deciso di non includere il supporto per il trasferimento / continuità dei nostri modelli mb air quando disponiamo dell'hardware necessario per eseguirlo è necessaria una ulteriore spiegazione da parte di Apple.

risposta data 17.10.2014 - 14:35

No, non è supportato. Puoi visualizzare i requisiti di sistema per utilizzare Continuity qui :

MacBook Air (Mid 2012 and later)
MacBook Pro (Mid 2012 and later)
iMac (Late 2012 and later)
Mac mini (Late 2012 and later)
Mac Pro (Late 2013)
risposta data 17.10.2014 - 08:47

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