Per regolare la pianificazione in modo da eseguire il backup in un momento a tua scelta piuttosto che semplicemente ogni ora, puoi utilizzare lo strumento Editor di Time Machine, che è disponibile come download gratuito da:
TimeMachineEditor is a software for Mac OS X Leopard, Snow Leopard and
Lion that lets you change the default one-hour backup interval of Time
Machine. You can change the interval or create a more sophisticated
scheduling (see screenshot below). This is useful if you don’t need
to backup every hour and don’t want the performance penalty. This is
also especially useful if you manipulate lots of data within one hour
as you would spend the whole day backing up.
La modifica dell'intervallo non dovrebbe influire sui backup giornalieri o mensili, che in realtà non sono affatto diversi da quelli orari in alcun modo.
"With BackupLoupe you are able to answer questions like Why is Time
Machine so slow? Why is my Time Machine drive already full? Which
files are actually being backed up? Has a particular file/folder been
backed up at all? How many revisions of a file/folder exist in Time
Machine? A file/folder was deleted accidentally. When did this happen
and where is the latest backup? Is my backup drive big enough? Should
I consider buying a larger one? And if yes, when?"