Elimina / Disinstalla iTunes su macOS High Sierra (v10.13)


Come posso rimuovere iTunes dal mio Mac?

Ho provato ad eliminarlo tramite Terminale e utilizzando l'app AppCleaner. Nessuna fortuna.

cd /Applications/
sudo rm -rf iTunes.app/

Risultati in: Operazione non consentita

Ho anche provato a cambiare iTunes.app in "Read Write" per tutti, ma macOS non mi consente di farlo anche come root.

posta Dennis 05.10.2017 - 13:10

1 risposta


Sono abbastanza sicuro che devi disabilitare SIP per disinstallare le app preinstallate.

System Integrity Protection is a security technology in OS X El Capitan and later that's designed to help prevent potentially malicious software from modifying protected files and folders on your Mac. System Integrity protection restricts the root user account and limits the actions that the root user can perform on protected parts of the Mac operating system.

System Integrity Protection includes protection for these parts of the system:

• Apps that are pre-installed with OS X

risposta data 05.10.2017 - 13:29

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