Apparentemente questo è possibile, se il tuo iPhone è jailbroken:
( aggiornamento : non sembra funzionare per iPod touch, iPad senza 3g ecc. - perché manca l'interfaccia "seconda scheda di rete")
can i get it on my ipod touch...?
Unfortunately, not.
ipod touch doesn't have gprs/edge network interface to redirect it to the proxy.
Segui questa lunga procedura (nota che è originariamente per iOS 2.x, usando un PC Windows):
SSH per ottenere il tuo iphone online tramite cavo USB
We will connect it to the Internet-connected PC via standard USB cable and get the iphone online in this passthru, reverse mode. Without wifi, without GPRS/EDGE fee to GSM operator. Incredible, impossible? Read further...
- Sul PC è necessario: Bitvise Tunnelier, itunnel
- E su iPhone / iPad3G: OpenSSH e un file di impostazione del proxy
In alternativa puoi provare questa procedura da dy2k (di nuovo solo per iDevices che supportano Tethering Internet):
Reverse Tethering iPhone 3G/3Gs using USB
Step 1: Set up internet tethering on your iPhone.
Step 2: Plug you iPhone into your PC using the provided USB cable.
Step 3: Go to Settings>General>Network>Internet Tethering and switch it to "On." Then it will prompt you for bluetooth or USB, select USB
Step 4: Go to network connections and you should see your LAN connection and a new connection that says "Apple Mobile Device Ethernet." Simply highlight both connections, right click on one and select "Bridge."
You will now be using your PC's internet connection on your iPhone! It works for Cydia App store, Facebook, Safari, ect ect.
Note: After terminating the connection you must delete the bridge and make a new one when you re-connect.