Come posso ridurre un documento PDF?


Ecco il mio problema, ho un documento PDF 583KB e voglio farlo sotto i 500KB così posso caricarlo. Cosa dovrei fare?

posta Ave Maleficum 15.02.2014 - 15:45

3 risposte


In realtà, il modo migliore è utilizzare questo sito web. Smallpdf , è molto più facile e migliore di altri modi.

risposta data 29.09.2014 - 23:35
  1. Apri il PDF in Anteprima.

  2. Vai a File → Salva come ... (⌥⇧⌘S)

  3. Seleziona Riduci dimensioni file come filtro quarzo

Apple consiglia questo metodo nell'articolo KB Mac OS X 10.6: compressione di un file PDF .

risposta data 15.02.2014 - 15:54

Potresti provare ad aggiungere un filtro personalizzato.

Riferimento: link

The PDF file was nearly 20 megabytes. After saving it with Reduce File Size, it was down to under one megabyte... but the quality of the images was so bad that they didn’t serve to illustrate the concepts in the text.

It was obvious what was happening, and I knew that when saving JPEG files you are allowed to trade off low file size with increased quality. But there was no slider available in the Quartz Filter menu to increase the quality of the image.

The answer, it turns out, is in ColorSync Utility in the Utilities folder off of the Applications folder. ColorSync Utility can create new Quartz filters. Open up ColorSync Utility and switch to the “Filters” pane. This will list all of the filters that you currently have available.

  • In the lower left, click on the “+” button. This creates a new filter.
  • Give the filter a name, and press return.
  • To the right of the filter’s name, choose the down arrow. A menu will pop up.
  • From the pop-up menu, choose “Add Image Effects Component”, and from that menu choose “Image Compression”.
  • Adjust the image compression Mode to JPEG.
  • Adjust the image compression quality however you prefer.
  • The next time you use Preview to “Save As...”, you'll have a new option under Quartz filters.


[...] after you create the filter it doesn’t automatically show up in Preview’s list of Quartz filters. Either ColorSync or Preview is working from the wrong folder.

ColorSync saves your filters in your personal “Filters” folder under your “Library”. But Preview looks in “PDF Services” for the filters. Copy or move the new filter from your Library’s “Filters” folder to your Library’s “PDF Services” folder. If you want to make the filter available to everyone who uses your Mac, put it in the main “/Library/PDF Services” folder instead. Note that Lion has hidden the Library folder, so you’ll need to use the “Go” menu and “Go to folder…” to go to your “Library” folder, and also to go to the “/Library”, depending on whether you are making it available for yourself or for everyone.

risposta data 18.02.2014 - 19:49

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