Sì, puoi riutilizzare l'uscita dalla connessione ssh e aprire ssh in qualunque terminale tu voglia. Consulta questa risposta a una domanda StackOverflow per i dettagli:
If you open the first connection with -M:
subsequent connections to $REMOTEHOST will "piggyback" on the
connection established by the master ssh. Most noticeably, further
authentication is not required. See man ssh_config under
"ControlMaster" for more details. Use -S to specify the path to the
shared socket; I'm not sure what the default is, because I configure
connection sharing using the configuration file instead.
In my .ssh/config file, I have the following lines:
host *
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r
This way, I don't have to remember to use -M or -S; ssh figures out if
a sharable connection already exists for the host/port/username
combination and uses that if possible.