Al momento della scrittura, brew search ftp
restituisce i seguenti server FTP:
In base ai loro siti web, pure-ftpd
sembra essere la scelta migliore per una facile installazione.
Beginners can install a Pure-FTPd server in 5 minutes. It can be as simple as installing the package, typing pure-ftpd &
and… that’s all. You already have a running server, and clients can start to connect.
Quindi per il passaggio due, installa e imposta l'avvio di ogni comando di avvio:
brew install pure-ftpd
brew services start pure-ftpd
vsftpd is a GPL licensed FTP server for UNIX systems, including Linux. It is secure and extremely fast. It is stable.
ProFTPD grew out of the desire to have a secure and configurable FTP server, and out of a significant admiration of the Apache web server.